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  1. AnonymouseDriva

    Question on granny charging

    Have you been ‘playing’? What’s your accumulated Miles/KWH? (I’m assuming that is factored into the calculation) Does anyone know the expected voltage for a charged and balanced 5LR?
  2. AnonymouseDriva

    100kwh charge rate on long range model

    Also - I know it may be a slip of the keyboard, but it's worth understanding (and being pedantic about) the difference between kW and kWh especially as the charger is charging at 50kW, but probably delivering about 50kWh of charge to get a 5LR from 0-80%ish, the numbers are close enough to be...
  3. AnonymouseDriva

    100kwh charge rate on long range model

    Hah! I'm trying to distract myself from the work that is already here!
  4. AnonymouseDriva

    100kwh charge rate on long range model

    @biffo That's twice this morning you've pipped me to the post by a split second ;)
  5. AnonymouseDriva

    100kwh charge rate on long range model

    Also, the max DC charging rate of the '5 is 80Kw, so the charger is never going to deliver faster than that regardless of it's max rating. Plus - the rate for the charger/ car (whichever is lower) is the PEAK rate. It'll only do that at the optimum condition (i.e. state of charge and battery...
  6. AnonymouseDriva

    rear wiper - missing cover?

    I'll check when I get back home, but I believe mine is the same. The window washer squirts out of there.
  7. AnonymouseDriva

    Winter tyre pressure management and effect on range

    Yeah,, that's why I haven't done anything yet. I noticed that the miles/KwH from cold has dropped, but soon picks back up. the real question is how much the air temp affects the running temp of the tyres. If they still warm up to roughly the same temp through usage, then it doesn't matter, but...
  8. AnonymouseDriva

    Winter tyre pressure management and effect on range

    In all honesty, if I would have had TPMS and a trip MPG readout in my Scenic I would have been asking exactly the same question as @AussiePete. I had also noticed that the cold (i.e. not running) tyre pressure had dropped along with the recent ambient temperature drop.
  9. AnonymouseDriva

    5LR Forward Collision System

    ahh… light bulb moment. So, the sensitivity setting is just for the WARNING, and not for the emergency braking? That makes sense for two reasons. Firstly, it explains why I had a warning (that I reacted to) but no unexpected braking as others have reported. Secondly, most people reporting...
  10. AnonymouseDriva

    Podpoint releasing

    I generally stand by the port when i unlock the car with the key as you can hear the little motor when it unlocks the plug. I’m sure I read on here that it locks again fairly sharpish, so be at the front, unlock the car, hear the plug unlock then pull. Don’t be pulling the plug and unlocking at...
  11. AnonymouseDriva

    First seen the the wild

    My #teamsilver has just hit one month old, and I think I spotted my first other MG5 in the wild since I first started looking at these in late July. Sure I saw a #teamblack going through Aughton, Ormskirk. Considering the sales figures I’m amazed at how few MGs of any sort I have spotted out and...
  12. AnonymouseDriva

    Can you dim the dash lights on an MG5 particularly the speedo brightness?

    My scenic has a dial that took the dash down to pretty much off. I do prefer a dim dash on a night. I find the reflections in the window (especially the drivers side window) annoying, and it makes everything else seem so much darker.
  13. AnonymouseDriva

    Hypervolt app update

    Good to hear. Getting mine installed Thursday.
  14. AnonymouseDriva

    Can you dim the dash lights on an MG5 particularly the speedo brightness?

    Well, after my first couple of night drives, damn. That dash is bright. For me, it’s not that the headlights are dim, it’s the dash that’s too bright. And yes, it’s set to the lowest luminance.
  15. AnonymouseDriva

    Keyless entry - options?

    Someone did post a video from their ring doorbell of someone giving it a go. Not sure if that was here or the MG owners facebook group. They got it unlocked and disconnected the charger, but couldn't put it into 'Ready'.
  16. AnonymouseDriva

    Keyless entry - options?

    We just have a little tin that we keep the keys in when we're at home. If I'm stood right next to the car with the keys in the tin it doesn't see them. (make sure you test it - the first tin we pulled out of a cupboard didn't work.)
  17. AnonymouseDriva

    Spare Wheel (Full Size)

    Just a thought (because I'm too lazy to check) - are the current tyres directional? If so, that wouldn't be much use on a spare (unless you carry 2!)
  18. AnonymouseDriva

    Octopus Go tariff or stay with Agile?

    I signed up to switch to 'go' (and emailed the agile team before the switch to ask about go-faster). They can't connect to your smart meter until you're switched though so you would always be on a standard tariff for a bit whilst that happens. For me, that was pretty quick and they put me...
  19. AnonymouseDriva

    Octopus Go tariff or stay with Agile?

    Maybe they've stopped taking additional people onto it at the moment as they can't hedge against it with the current energy prices. I'm sure it'll reappear once they've sorted the influx of new customers out.
  20. AnonymouseDriva


    just pull the plug out of the rear dashcam - from what I've seen, you'll know pretty much straight away if that what was causing it. Apparently positioning it to one side instead of central reduces the problem somewhat, but that would play havoc with my OCD...
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