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  1. Alun26

    Interesting watch on EV Tyres For All EVs

    At my work someone is selling a Zoe and mentioned that it had EV tires fitted, I did not know this was a thing! I haven't checked mine but do MG fit EV tires or just "normal" tires and should I look at getting some when its time to change?
  2. Alun26

    New small Tesla

    Indeed, I read some time last year I think it was in Autoexpress that the new small Tesla would be £18k, more like double that for the UK market!
  3. Alun26

    Battery storage?

    I’ve had a quote through my council for a battery storage system and they recommended a 6kW system, is this a ideal size for a family of 4 and the cost is just over£5k ?
  4. Alun26

    iSmart App?

    Anyone know how to unbind the car to the app?
  5. Alun26

    iSmart App?

    Thanks for this, do I need a SIM in the phone to bind?
  6. Alun26

    iSmart App?

    Anyone know if you can bind / connect the car to 2 mobile phones?
  7. Alun26

    2kW charge?

    Hi all Is there any way of reducing the charge that the car accepts to 2 kW so I can take advantage of the sunny sunny weather with my PV system, as my Ohme Home Pro does not do this?
  8. Alun26

    Dent!! ? Also insurance.

    How do I do that? Do I need to get quotes first? Then speak to my insurance?
  9. Alun26

    Dent!! ? Also insurance.

    Only had the car 3 days and some ? has already put a dent and red mark on it in a car park, and I was right there having a nose under the bonnet when he did it?. Got the guys details, but never done a claim before, so what should I do, do I speak to my insurance or get a quote from MG for the...
  10. Alun26

    Stop at 80%

    £2.62 I was only there for about 10min but it put in about 15%. Interestingly the 4 off free 7k chargers where all used and 2 motors had the owners having a kip! ?
  11. Alun26

    Stop at 80%

    Just done my first charge at Tesco pod point rapid 50kW, i'm guessing the £30 is a holding charge and they will not actually charge me/credit card company this?
  12. Alun26

    Stop at 80%

    Thanks for this, I have the SR version, so will just have to guesstimate ?‍♂️ Until Ohme implement the API for MG cars.
  13. Alun26

    Stop at 80%

    Now that I’ve had the ZS for a whole day I’ve done a few miles going into town a few times, so the batt is now at about 70%, is there a way to schedule to stop charging when the batt get’s to 80% using the iSMART app, as the ZS doesn’t “talk” to my Ohme home pro charger? Thanks G
  14. Alun26

    New Car Day - Initial questions

    Just popped out for lunch and had a little play with the app, does anyone know what the difference between A/C and AC Blowing ?
  15. Alun26

    New Car Day - Initial questions

    Collected mine yesterday, very please with it, a huge step up in quality and ride compared to my 2019 1.0lt Auto ZS, the suspension is so much smother over a bumpy road into my village, used to try and avoid in the old car as it used to make a right ding in the cabin. The infotainment system...
  16. Alun26

    Does it come with a granny charger?

    Hi, I all ready have a EV charger installed an Ohme Home Pro, just wanted to know some info about charging when visiting relatives.
  17. Alun26

    Does it come with a granny charger?

    Thanks for all the comments, was also wondering if you use the 3 pin with an extension cable would it be best to get a heavy duty ext cable or would the ones that you can pick up from Wilko/Ikea etc be okay?
  18. Alun26

    Does it come with a granny charger?

    IEE! Should that be The IET ? ?
  19. Alun26

    Does it come with a granny charger?

    Just spoke to dealer, the motor comes with both cables, 3pin and type2. ? ??
  20. Alun26

    Does it come with a granny charger?

    Sorted PCP this afternoon, and collecting motor one day next week, the only thing I forgot to ask if the granny/3 pin plug charging cable comes with the motor, or do I have to purchase one?
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