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  1. Alun26

    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    Adriatic Highway is in the canal!!
  2. Alun26

    Charging from a static caravan?

    The price of some AirBnB at £150+ per day, a few kW extra on the electric will not dent the profit.
  3. Alun26

    Charging from a static caravan?

    I learnt a long time ago at my work it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. ??
  4. Alun26

    Charging from a static caravan?

    Hi, I plan to go on holiday to Porthcawl in South Wales for a holiday at the end of July which was originally okay as my EV was not going to be delivered until after that, but now I can have one sooner as I am willing to change colour, so it looks like I will be taking the EV on holiday. So I...
  5. Alun26

    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    Dealer called today to say that a car is due later this month a SR Trophy but in a different colour to one I chose, but I cant see and ships that are due into Bristol any time soon, are there some that am missing off my list that i am following on vessel finder? DRIVE GREEN HIGHWAY IGUAZU...
  6. Alun26

    Octopus Go?

    The early time of the off peak is ideal for me as I can heat my water, dishwasher, washing machine and tumble all go on at this time I also do some cooking for the next day lunch. I’ve maxed out once at about 17kW.
  7. Alun26

    Octopus Go?

    All sorted now via a Tweet should be back on Go Faster soon at 8.25p from 21:30 to 02:30
  8. Alun26

    Octopus Go?

    Thanks for the reply's, I did message them last year to get on Go Faster, I guess I will have to do it again, I just thought that it would continue at renewal time.
  9. Alun26

    Octopus Go?

    Hi, Anyone know how to stay on Go Faster tariff, just had email to renew and it only lets me renew on Go? Thanks Gareth
  10. Alun26

    MG ZS Steering Fault - clicking when turning

    Had this clicking when I first had the car 3 years ago, then it disappeared, but now its back with the warmer weather, plus I have a issue with the central locking making a loud buzzing noise when it auto locks when you drive off? Will try and post vid of it.
  11. Alun26

    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    Were they blue? If they were my local dealer (Baldock near J10 A1(M)) has just taken delivery of about 5 blue HS's
  12. Alun26

    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    Snap! I ordered the same on the 1st of March and was told delivery July, I choose the Battersea Blue.
  13. Alun26

    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    IGUAZU HIGHWAY now on route to UK! They don't hang around, out to sea again!!
  14. Alun26

    V2L official cable?

    Found this on YT, looks a little dodge to make one yourself and prob invalidate the Warranty if anything went wrong. Interesting tho.
  15. Alun26

    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    Anyone know how many cars can these ships carry?
  16. Alun26

    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    Looks like this is now at its final destination, hopefully it will be on its way back to China to pick yours and mine up. ? ?‍♂️
  17. Alun26

    V2L official cable?

    Has anyone managed to find an official MG V2L cable, as I understand that the new ZS EV has this cabability?
  18. Alun26

    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    Arrived in Bristol! I wonder how many MG's are on it?
  19. Alun26

    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    Cool how did you ind out the names of these ships, are these owned by SAIC?
  20. Alun26

    Using a 3 pin 'emergency' charger

    A standard ring main should be okay as it is technically fed by 2 2.5mm T&E cables.
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