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  1. Alun26

    Affinity and PCP

    Anyone know the % that would be applied to a PCP after the Affinity discount?
  2. Alun26

    Affinity and PCP

    Hi does anyone know if you can still purchase the MG5 through the Affinity discount and take advantage of the current PCP 0% offer? Cheers Gareth
  3. Alun26

    Plasticky creaking/clicking sound at low speed from A-pillar area and across the top of the dashboard

    I just gave the area a good spray of this that I found in my garage, didn't even think about creating a gap to spay into, I was thinking that it would just trickle down somehow. Will keep a note how long it lasts and try the loyalty card next spray time.
  4. Alun26

    MG5 voltage reading

    I believe that's the axillary battery voltage not the drive battery voltage.
  5. Alun26

    Plasticky creaking/clicking sound at low speed from A-pillar area and across the top of the dashboard

    I had this very same issue since having the car for more than 2 years. So I posted the issue on FB and had some amazing response and the issue can be fixed with a good spray of WD-40 along the scuttle plate on the outside of the windscreen.
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