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    Tesla Is Breaking The Law - Do You Care ?.

    My MK2 ZSEV Trophy LR would not charge at Tesla supercharger site at Flint Mountain back in Dec, which is one of the Open sites. I haven't tried it again since.
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    MG5 ACC not always releasing

    If you just momentarily push the stalk forwards, so it doesn't actually lock in the forwards position, then the ACC will drop into Standby (orange mode). I use this to temporary disable ACC when approaching a roundabout on a dual carriageway for instance, and then a quick single pull on the...
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    ZS not happy charging after using Discharge setting

    Sounds like it had a software glitch to me and somehow you've now managed to reset it.
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    MG EVs Podcast Tuesday 7 February 2023 @ 7:30pm UTC

    I intend to document and do a quick video on what exactly I've done regarding integrating my ZSEVs V2L capability with some of my house circuits in the event of a mains grid failure. There are a lot of things to consider and every house (and everyone's requirements) will be different.
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    MG5 ACC not always releasing

    Yes, I've noticed a few times that ACC has been slow to disengage when selected to standby using the stalk. It always works instantly with the brake pedal though. Slowing down coming to a roundabout and just flicking the ACC to standby with the stalk and sometimes it feels like the ACC is still...
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    My trip in a Tesla model 3

    I love my MGZSEV Long Range, it's done everything I wanted and range has been as hoped for, that's 280—300 in summer and 220 in depth of winter. I don't want an M3 because it's got a boot not a hatchback and Tesla have been way too expensive for me. BUT, now the MY with its proper hatchback...
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    We need to talk about the software

    Yep, that process is exactly why it just needs to be selectable on a single keystroke.
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    We need to talk about the software

    I've got a Mk2 ZSEV, in addition to your observations re the dash, Id like to see the following displays made available (all the data is already there, so just a software change): 1. Kw during charging, rather than seeing the volts and amps and then having to multiply to get the result. 2...
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    Vehicle to Load (V2L) - Any Information or First Hand Experiences?

    Be very careful, the adapter I bought for a Kia to use with my MGZSEV had the resistor between different pins to those required by the ZSEV, plus the resistor value is different for the ZSEV.
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    When you get to your destination don't use the parking brake, just get used to switching the car off instead, this automatically puts on the parking brake too.
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    Lighting bolt ⚡ on dashboard

    If your on FB then join the MG Electric Vehicle Owners Club, tons of info there ?
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    Steering gone on my 2021 ZS EV

    Mine is 15/10/21 and a 331 pt number, Trophy LR (not connect) and all looks fine top and bottom joints.
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    V2L - useful ?

    The Mk2 ZSEV monitors and charges the 12v even when the car is fully off and locked.
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    HV battery shutoff when initiating rapid charge. Vehicle control system fault.

    Ours (MGZSEV Trophy LR) did this on its first rapid charge in March. The dealer updated the software under MGUK instruction and its been perfect ever since, done a number of rapids just fine now!
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    Rear Seat Belt Warning Issue

    With the seat folded down?
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    Rear Seat Belt Warning Issue

    ZSEV Trophy LR rear seat belt warning issue. The rear seat belt warning operation is different to the way it worked in my old Mk1 ZSEV. This afternoon I put the rear seats down and filled the back of the car for a trip down to the local tip, all was well until I started to drive down the road...
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    Reduction of stated range from balancing the battery?

    its temperature. The reading is just an estimated and takes into account temperature as well as a host of other things like your previous driving style and the charge of the battery.
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    Trip from West Yorkshire to Whitby - MG ZS EV Long Range Trophy Connect (range review).

    On my first Rapid charge mine (ZSEV Trophy LR) got bricked, but since the software update its been absolutely fine, done several Rapids since. As opposed to the Mk1 where you should switch OFF the car before stopping the charge, in my new Mk2 I always use the cars in built functionality to stop...
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    HV battery shutoff when initiating rapid charge. Vehicle control system fault.

    I always stop the charge on a Rapid using the cars in built functionality via the infotainment screen, this requires the car to be in Ready mode first. Doing it this way ensures the car is in control of the shutdown process and not the Rapid charger.
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    Things not to like on the new ZS EV

    Turn the volume down in settings, it's the Notifications volume slider.
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