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  1. Tweed98

    Unwanted modifications MG5

    I went from a 5 to a Kona EV, they are surprisingly similar in terms of buttons. I just miss the boot space.
  2. Tweed98

    Life after the MG5

    I also swapped my MG company car for a second hand Kona but mine is a 2020 model I get way better mileage even though I'm driving the same if not more heavy footed on the motorway. I had my 4 year service this week but the coolant was changed last year on a recall so it wasn't horrendously...
  3. Tweed98

    Goodbye or See you Later

    No, no fourth button. The app acts as though it will start then then an error message pops up.
  4. Tweed98

    Goodbye or See you Later

    I only went for the Kona as the 5 FLs were out of my price range. The dealer lied about the spec (shock horror) I picked them up on a couple I noticed and they knocked £50 off of the price, which I'm told by a few second hand car buyers is nothing short of a miracle these days, but I missed a...
  5. Tweed98

    Goodbye or See you Later

    So far I'm loving the Kona. Very similar to the MG5 operational-wise. Its similar to the pre-facelift outside, halogen projectors with LED DLRs, and like FL/PFL front mounted charging point, a button on the door for keyless entry. Inside it is more like the FL with a cubby under the gear...
  6. Tweed98

    Android Auto Wireless adaptor (Recommendations required)

    I ordered one off of Aliexpress a while back. It worked but took a while to connect so I went back to a cable. The trick is to get an expensive cable that is certified for AA. The bigger the connector housing the better as in a good cable will have a chip in it to clean the signal, maintain...
  7. Tweed98

    Unexpected braking y'think ??

    According to the Mail and the Telegraph shouldn't that car have caught fire and torched the entire breakers yard by now?
  8. Tweed98

    Goodbye or See you Later

    That is the good thing with second hand cars these days, without the long list of extras most are the same these days so a good deal can be had! I do miss going through all the trims and selecting the car I want then getting the prices etc, then the massive wait, then getting a nice shiny new...
  9. Tweed98

    Fitted Rear window shades for sale! Fits FL & Pre-FL

    As you may have read on the main MG5 forum, I lost my job and my company car (The MG5.) Well I am back in a job and was able to stay EV but now in a Hyundai Kona so I have no need for the aftermarket window shades I bought for the pre-face lift MG5 I had to start with. They were an impulse...
  10. Tweed98

    Goodbye or See you Later

    Well it took two months, but I am back in employment. The construction industry is horrible at the moment. I'm down a bit on money but we used some of our savings to buy a 2nd hand Hyundai Kona EV. Its similar in most ways to the MG 5 better in some worse in others but still a nice car to...
  11. Tweed98


    Which lamps did you use?
  12. Tweed98

    Goodbye or See you Later

    I'm surprised how much I am liking them, I was very disappointed with the original shape 5 to start with but had a grudging respect/like for it after a year. Then I was swapped into a FL 5 and the respect/like went into full on love for the car. I also had a 3 week loaner of an HS while the...
  13. Tweed98

    Goodbye or See you Later

    Unfortunately, I was laid off yesterday and will have to return my facelift next Wednesday so I will probably be around a lot less. Depending on what job I find I may well buy my own 5 or ZS as since changing to the facelift I was really quite enjoying the car and then you'll see me again. I'm...
  14. Tweed98

    iSmart 2.x merged; please use for all iSmart 2.x issues

    Android is strange, I have a game for my toddler installed on my phone which it is apparently incompatible with. It works fine. I created a separate user account for him so he couldn't wipe stuff off my phone accidentally and they won't let me install the game on that same phone. Have you...
  15. Tweed98

    iSmart 2.x merged; please use for all iSmart 2.x issues

    Android 8.0 is the earliest version that will work with smart. Could be new features clash with your particular phone as all manufacturers tinker with the software. Goole Play Store ismart Go towards the bottom of the page, click on about this app and it will tell you if your phone is...
  16. Tweed98

    iSmart 2.x merged; please use for all iSmart 2.x issues

    My MG5 FL has been at Glyn Hopkins for a fortnight, have they fixed the defrost window/pre-warm the cabin function? Eversince they changed the white screen version I can't do anything but blast cold air from the vents.
  17. Tweed98

    What would make public charging better for you..?

    They have a coffee shop! That's why I use the Genie Point 50kw when I'm in Bridlington. Morrisons have the only rapid charger in town.
  18. Tweed98

    What would make public charging better for you..?

    Instavolt have installed 150 and 350kw rapids by a Tesco express by me Morrisons quite often have a 50kw Genie Point, I use the one at Bridlington when I visit my old man. Tesco and Sainsburys by me have ....... bugger all.
  19. Tweed98

    What would make public charging better for you..?

    I've used the MFG at Buntingford. My home town of nearly 40k people has 4 petrol stations. 2 Shell, 1 Sainsburys and 1 Tesco. I wouldn't be surprised if one Shell closed down. 3 have closed down in the last 10 years.
  20. Tweed98

    What would make public charging better for you..?

    With the speed the petrol stations keep closing that may not help! I think large supermarkets should be encouraged to cover their roofs in PV and provide a few charging ports.
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