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  1. Tweed98

    Air Source Heat Pump?

    What sort of a house are you in? Current heat pumps put out low temperatures (about 45°) so you need larger radiators than the gas/oil boilers as the water temperature is lower so the emitter needs more surface area. If you currently have single rads a simple swap over to double doubles (two...
  2. Tweed98

    Android Auto not picking up my voice - Facelift 5.

    Pretty good 5g around work and 4g at home, definitely something to check the next time it doesn't work. I don't use the voice control that much any more, now I get home before the wife, not much point texting to say I'm on my way!
  3. Tweed98

    Android Auto not picking up my voice - Facelift 5.

    Ahh, my Missus mentioned that it had been updated recently. I'll see if it works tonight and check a few android forums.
  4. Tweed98

    Android Auto not picking up my voice - Facelift 5.

    I've been swapped into a facelift 5 as my company car for the last 3 weeks and I love it. However, I think the microphone may be busted as Andriod Auto doesn't pick up my voice. I'm using the same phone that worked well with my old PFL5, everything else on AA works well, does anyone have any...
  5. Tweed98


    Silly Question, you haven't knocked the light angle adjuster dial have you? I thought the light range was rubbish when I first got it then realised that the lights weren't self leveling and I had or the dealer had the lights set for a heavy load and at the wrong angle. Even when correct they...
  6. Tweed98

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    I like that extra bit, definitley stealing it for my own use! I think pressing F12 does the same on WIndows machines. Burning EVs are only news as it isn't an everyday occurrence!
  7. Tweed98

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    That isn't even news, it's an opinion piece, and opinions are like Arseholes, everybody has one.
  8. Tweed98

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    I have a subscription to the Telegraph and generally avoid anything by Alison Pearson on account of its poorly researched subjects or just plain rubbish writing. I am really struggling to remember why I don't just cancel.
  9. Tweed98

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    I'd say it depends on the car, I have worn out my front tyres a bit faster on my PFL MG5 than I did on my old Focus ST that was driven a lot quicker and speaking to our fleet Manager the Merc EQS are really going through their tyres. With the MG5 I'd say it was more down to poor traction...
  10. Tweed98

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    It happened at the Liverpool car park fire too. I was designing a building with a multistory car park and the local fire brigade liaison told me they were lobbying for cast metal drainpipes in the car parks as the burning fuel passed down the gulley then melted the pipe and caught the cars...
  11. Tweed98

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    If it could be proved they were aware of it, I wonder what their criminal and legal liabilities would be. Their next insurance quote may be a tad higher than normal!
  12. Tweed98

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    It would also help to see what caused the fire, Accident, Electrical Fasult, Arson, Range Rover etc....
  13. Tweed98

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    The number of EV fires will inevitably be higher than that now as EV take up is considerably higher, still much less than the CIE fires though.
  14. Tweed98

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    Yup,10,000 vehicles of any kind of fuel.
  15. Tweed98

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    Telegraph Report on Prevention and Fighting EV fires and low risk to start with. This one is pretty much balanced, unusually for the Telegraph. 735 call outs for EV fires 2012-2017 versus 10,000 vehicle fires per year on average.
  16. Tweed98

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    I was in the queue for the Gridserve chargers at the M11 Welcome Break at Birchanger (near Stansted Airport), there are three small spaces for 3 CCS and 1 Chadmeo (anyone know how to pronounce this?!) the low number coupled with it being the only services on the M11 and a large town with no...
  17. Tweed98

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    I also read they may run out of Tritium by the time they perfect it! No idea on the scientific accuracy of that report though!
  18. Tweed98

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    It'll do until they crack Fusion!
  19. Tweed98

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    It's mostly government inefficiency and lack of leadership, planning permissions taking too long due to a lack of incentives to local inhabitants. The French can do it relatively cheaply and their labour costs shouldn't be too different to ours.
  20. Tweed98

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    Apparently the degradation of the existing systems is nowhere near what they expected. The Germans could get another 5 years or so out of the reactors they are closing. The waste is a problem, but new tech is in development that could re-use it as fuel. A lot of the costs involved with...
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