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  1. Tweed98

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    Hinkley Point C is designed for 60 years of generation. The site is 6.25 square miles. Will generate 3200MW come rain or shine or no wind. Got this off of the Bing AI answer when I asked how much land is needd for 3200MW of wind.
  2. Tweed98

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    Home electricity prices have a green tax added to them to subsidise the wind and solar. In the latest energy auction round the government has now reduced the subsidy and also added a stipulation that the wind farms must be built by the winner, as previous winners have not built the wind farms...
  3. Tweed98

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    Nor should you driving a lovely little motor like the 5! You could feel even better if you were driving a tiny little 4, but then you couldn't get s0d all in it!
  4. Tweed98

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    Concrete production is bad, around 8% of carbon release comes from the production of concrete. Mostly because of the heat used to break the ingredients of the cement down. It will improve but lots of other nasties are released and not sure how much they can be captured. There are alternatives...
  5. Tweed98


    No, not just the HS. We have a thread on our forum, I dropped in on here seeing it through the new posts section to see what you were doing. They fixed in on the facelift 5 version. Of course it could be a different issue between the HS & 5 that broke the DAB. Not a good look with the stick...
  6. Tweed98


    There are around 22340 HS and MG 5s on the road since 2021 when I think the issue with the DAB started. I got this from how many are left. Circa 10k cars sold in 2021. I may have made some basic addition errors as a cow-worker was talking at me when I was trying to add the figures up!
  7. Tweed98

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up Looks like even the guys on the ship don't know for sure. All I know is the fire brigade and british standards still haven't worked out what they want, I'm...
  8. Tweed98

    MG5 mark 1 charging

    Have to admit, I had several tabs open and popped this in the wrong thread. Apologies. Bad Press Ramping up I meant to add it to this one.
  9. Tweed98

    MG5 mark 1 charging

    The newspapers blaming EVs are behind paywalls, even if the EV didn't start it if they will provide a massive load to the fire. Also reading between the liners, if they weren't blaming EV's they would have even mentioned there was an EV nearby!
  10. Tweed98

    MG5 mark 1 charging

    It might get worse before it gets better. Fremantle Highway caught fire out to sea yesterday and they are already blaming one of the EVs for it. Reuters news link
  11. Tweed98

    Dab radio

    You're in the MG5 forum not the HS one so repost there for a better chance of someone knowing what to do, it might also be better starting a new thread rather than piggybacking a different conversation.
  12. Tweed98

    Buying advice on MG5?

    Beyond mileage and perhaps screw holes for the license how could you tell if a car has been used as a taxi? Is there a public register?
  13. Tweed98

    Test Drive when buying via Salary Sacrifice

    Morally you could argue it is a bit iffy, but that has never stopped me! Until I got the company car I've spent the last 18 years leasing vehicles, I book a test drive, drive it like I've stolen it then I listen to the spiel, I get prices to set my mind at ease I am getting a good deal then I...
  14. Tweed98

    Gridserve app?

    I spoke to a Gridserve employee at the Great Notley Electric Forecourt and he says they have an app in development and to keep an eye on their social media pages. I was asking in relation to my 5 not having its own app to check the state of charge rather than checking availibility.
  15. Tweed98

    What would make public charging better for you..?

    Wouldn't the towing zones get clogged up by non towing cars when the place is busy? Wouldn't an adjacent towing parking zone maybe with an attendant controlled lock be more efficient.
  16. Tweed98

    What would make public charging better for you..?

    How about an electric tyre pump and some screen wash/water and a squeegy to get the bugs off your screen? I know a full pressure wash system at the charger unit is a bit unlikely due to water and electricity being slightly too friendly but a low pressure trickle is plenty to do the windows...
  17. Tweed98

    Android Auto

    I've tried it with the USB that works with the wired connection and it is much better, not quite as immediate as you describe but the screen is on before I finished resetting KERS etc. I'll see how it goes over the next few days, if it goes back to messing about I'll escalate to the seller.
  18. Tweed98

    Android Auto

    Which AA box do you have?
  19. Tweed98

    Android Auto

    It was strange the audio would work through the bluetooth connection when the carlink kit light went green but no AA screen for ages. I also had a few disconnects when driving, thinking about it I might try it with the usb cable that works for the tether. Glad you responded, made me think a bit!
  20. Tweed98

    Gridserve chargers

    We had 6 weeks without workplace chargers so I wanted as much charge in the car as possible to avoid two 40 minute drives to Gt. Notley. I could if I behave get home only using 6% charge and depending on whether I had to do both childcare runs I use between 10-15% a day, driving unusually...
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