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  1. Tweed98

    Gridserve chargers

    The ones at Notley get a lot of use by myself and colleagues as it is the only useful charging station near work that we can use our fuel cards on. None of us has ever got beyond a 95% charge. I assume it is for battery safety. Similar errors have been reported here and by colleagues on many...
  2. Tweed98

    Gridserve chargers

    Fine at Great Notley (Braintree)
  3. Tweed98

    Stunned !

    I don't think an estate is that much of a selling point these days. I only know one person with an estate (Seat Leon) and the boot seems bigger tha the 5. Don't know about the face lift but when I tried to help my Mum move it was useless for furniture as the back seats don't lay flat. It had a...
  4. Tweed98

    MG4 Detailing Thread - Other Models/Marques welcome!

    Thanks I'll check it out in future.
  5. Tweed98

    MG4 Detailing Thread - Other Models/Marques welcome!

    Meguirs Perfect Clarity on order now. Thanks for the suggestion, amazon a few quid cheaper than ABD where I normally buy cleaning stuff. Chainsaw not quite as subtle as I was aiming for, would be 100% effective. Also shouldn't it be a battery powered one for this forum?
  6. Tweed98

    MG4 Detailing Thread - Other Models/Marques welcome!

    I've used Autoglym products for years but I've heard good things about Maguires. Is there much of a difference? Also I have just finished my Autoglym Fast Glass, any recommendations for a replacement. Second recommendation request, the council have a knarled old Maytree on the verge by our drive...
  7. Tweed98

    Cold feet !

    Amazon delivery driver had a funny coloured shirt 1* Loved it, great product 2* Was late 1* The sun wasn't out when I opened the product 1*
  8. Tweed98

    First experience of public charging...

    Are Tesla drivers the new Audi drivers?
  9. Tweed98

    My 12 month review of 2022 MG5 LR exclusive (pre facelift)

    Push the lower (cruise control) stalk towards the dash, that will disengage all CC and LKA. At least it does in my pre face lift. Just remember to take over the accelerator control or you'll scare whoever is behind you! Pull it back to re-engage the ACC. It'll have forgotten the last spedd so...
  10. Tweed98

    Things that are starting to bug me about my MG5

    My Seat Leon had two data USB ports. I think the Missus Puma does too.
  11. Tweed98

    Android Auto

    Bought the same, thanks for the link, it works really well. It did work well for the first few days, I have now gone back to tethered AA. It was taking 5 minutes to connect, numerous disconnects of the wireless box to make it connect. I started taking the AA box with me in case it was...
  12. Tweed98

    Charging at motorway service stations

    Enjoy, I used to go on holiday to my Nan and Grandads caravan at hurricane.stealing.vitals in the late eighties and early nineties. Check out Oulton Broad if you haven't been. It was always rather pleasant.
  13. Tweed98

    Charging at motorway service stations

    Easy Peasy, did this in the car yestarday and it works when connected. Your mileage may differ on iPhones however.
  14. Tweed98

    Breaking up CPS...Good or bad?

    I think its manned about 14 hours a day. After that its electric charging only. Quite a few plain old non charing parking spaces there to for people just wanting the post office, costa or the WH Smiths. Snacks for sale are from Marks so reassuringly expensive.
  15. Tweed98

    Breaking up CPS...Good or bad?

    They need to change the bays, front charging port cars hang out the back of the bay and the rear port cars hang over the front! Gridserve employee told me the Norwich one is differently laid out and that is the basis for all new Electric Forecourts.
  16. Tweed98

    Breaking up CPS...Good or bad?

    They do exist! I imagine the capital outlay will mean it takes a while for them to be adopted everywhere.
  17. Tweed98

    Liquid stains from vents?

    The comment is about the company car drivers I talk to face to face at my firm.
  18. Tweed98

    Liquid stains from vents?

    We have a mix, our first batch were 2021 Long Range the next batch were face lift Long Range. Most of us in the 2021 versions are quite unhappy with the cars, most of the Face Lift drivers seem OK with them but there are a few guys have the intermittent door handle issue.
  19. Tweed98

    My 12 month review of 2022 MG5 LR exclusive (pre facelift)

    Coming in 2024 according to the head of MG UK I read the other day. Sounds like it will look like the 4 too.
  20. Tweed98

    Charging at motorway service stations

    @Rolfe: Have you tried what3words? They have divided the globe into 3x3m squares, each square is assigned 3 random words so you can pin point yourself/charging points in the middle of nowhere and navigate them to you/you to them. The emergency services use it and lots of website are starting...
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