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  1. MuzGB1970

    Android Auto - you keep saying "intelligence". I don't think it means what you think it does

    Not quite the same but Google maps announces "Aust interchange" as "Australian interchange", it obviously thinks it's an abbreviation.
  2. MuzGB1970

    5.9 Miles/kWh - anyone got past six?!

    I've seen over 7 after about 10 miles but it was some down hill and stuck behind slow traffic. My Trophy did show 302 miles of range when I charged to full the other day though.
  3. MuzGB1970

    MG4 Trophy Passenger Door Stopped working

    My drivers door button has failed but I think it was due to sticking in the last frost/ice we had earlier in the year. Passenger side is fine. I can't be bothered to get it replaced yet, I'll wait until the next service is due.
  4. MuzGB1970

    Home charging cable does not lock. Normal?

    The car does not need to be locked to start a charge, it starts once it has handshaked with the charger. The cable lock should engage once charging commences whether the car is locked or not.
  5. MuzGB1970

    Wireless phone charger

    I recently upgraded to wireless AA via the Motorola MA1. My phone charges very well on the wireless pad, in a thick case, with an extra non-slip mat on top of the normal tray. My phone always gains charge over a journey even using maps and music. It's a Pixel 7 for reference.
  6. MuzGB1970 the rain ?

    I've not used a public charger in heavy rain as yet but I charge on our work 3-phase when it's chucking it down with no issues. The design of the sockets and plugs was carried out with the natural elements in mind, so providing your MG4 isn't sitting in 4 feet of standing water then I think...
  7. MuzGB1970

    Automatic light much better after update.

    I replaced my original cover after the updates, the lights were turning on a little later than comfortable with the 3D printed version.
  8. MuzGB1970

    Drive Modes

    Not barmy at all, just very logical. The drive modes only make a difference in getting to the speed.
  9. MuzGB1970

    Drive Modes

    Interesting you should say that, I've not experienced the rear tyres feeling loose when coming off the throttle, but the back end has waved a few times on acceleration on slightly greasy road junctions this time of year on the stock tyres.
  10. MuzGB1970

    Drive Modes

    Honestly I can't say that the drive modes make a huge difference for me, ECO dulls the throttle response and limits the maximum power, I've not used SPORT so far so cannot comment on that. So 99% of the time I just drive in NORMAL with regen level 3. That's happens to be the default setting so...
  11. MuzGB1970

    New member, MG4 Trophy advice

    Picked up my Trophy on 28th September 2022 and have loved it every day since. Not really had any major issues even though it was part of the first batch to hit the UK, other than a few software niggles which have been resolved. I love the fact I have 11kW AC charging as I use our 3-phase charger...
  12. MuzGB1970

    Range decrease due to cold weather [merged thread]

    This is the absolute truth. My previous car, an Ioniq Hybrid, was advertised as a 600 mile car. The very best I got from it in the summer was 65mpg (so about 585 miles) but more often around 60-62 mpg. That dropped to around 50mpg in the winter but because the tank was 9 gallons I could still...
  13. MuzGB1970

    My smart app not working just when need it

    I don't want to jinx anything but personally I've found the latest version of iSmart very reliable and I've been able to send the preheat instruction to the car without any problems. When you open the app first you need to let it try to scan as it does, even if this fails I can still use the...
  14. MuzGB1970

    Range decrease due to cold weather [merged thread]

    I've found that I get around 2.5mi/kWh during the winter but could be as low as 2mi/kWh for short journeys or heater on high, that equates to between 125 and 155 miles for a full charge, so about 90 to 110 miles usable for the 10% to 80% range. In the summer my highest figures have been 4.8mi/kWh.
  15. MuzGB1970

    Consumption Graph Not Working

    This was definitely an issue with earlier version software on the Trophy but was fixed with later versions. Mine started working after the software updates at my first service.
  16. MuzGB1970

    No options to remotely defrost?

    I think there's another thread that says on Chinese cars the set temperature is the airflow temp and not the desired cabin temp, anyway 28+ degrees works very well.
  17. MuzGB1970

    No options to remotely defrost?

    I set the temp up to 28+ degrees and that completely clears even the hardest frost/ice in the 10 minutes.
  18. MuzGB1970

    No options to remotely defrost?

    Not sure that will work as the "Auto" function resets when you turn the car on again. Might be worth a try though.
  19. MuzGB1970

    MG iSmart 2.0 [merged]

    Air conditioning and seat heating is now separate, haven't tried yet to see if the seats are in the right position. Mine was in km first but just reselected imperial measurements in the settings to update.
  20. MuzGB1970

    MG iSmart 2.0 [merged]

    Ok, deleted app and reinstalled. Working now.
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