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  1. Rob Healy

    1100 Miles and in the garage - engine management light

    Well here’s a bit of an update… I received a Vauxhall Mokka as a hire/courtesy car on 19th July, and having not heard anything from MG about my car, I called them yesterday to see what was going on. I was told that parts are still on back order, coming from China. I queried the hire car as it...
  2. Rob Healy

    1100 Miles and in the garage - engine management light

    Thanks, that’s handy to know. I’ll see about getting a copy when I get my car back ?
  3. Rob Healy

    3 day test drives?

    I got 2 x separate 15 minute slots - and I was buying!
  4. Rob Healy

    1100 Miles and in the garage - engine management light

    They were a bit vague as to exactly what was wrong. 1. Haven’t explained in great detail. On the phone they didn’t seem too phased, but I think it’s more than they first thought. 2. Not sure yet 3. Again, I’m not sure. Will contact them again on Monday and make some notes. They caught me off...
  5. Rob Healy

    1100 Miles and in the garage - engine management light

    I have also taken it easy, I haven’t been on any excessively long drives. Will wait and see what happens I guess.
  6. Rob Healy

    1100 Miles and in the garage - engine management light

    Because I still haven’t moved, I have to rely on supermarket charging, so I’m roughly thinking 700 ICE vs 400 EV.
  7. Rob Healy

    Radio Module Initialising

    I’ve created an offshoot post as there are now other problems with my car… Link here.
  8. Rob Healy

    1100 Miles and in the garage - engine management light

    I’m spurring this off as it is now a separate issue from the bit I’d mentioned in the Radio Module Initialising post. In a nutshell, I was driving on the M11 on Wednesday when the yellow engine management light came on, with a warning message for me to check the handbook. Once I’d parked...
  9. Rob Healy

    Radio Module Initialising

    That’s interesting. I wonder what will happen with mine.
  10. Rob Healy

    Radio Module Initialising

    They’re going to look at that whilst the car is at the garage. Will let you know when I’ve had news.
  11. Rob Healy

    Radio Module Initialising

    I did try that but it didn’t work unfortunately.
  12. Rob Healy

    Radio Module Initialising

    I took the car in this afternoon. They’re keeping it to sort the engine management light problem, so won’t exactly know what they’ve done until I get it back.
  13. Rob Healy

    Puddle lights made me smile

    They seem to come on when it’s dusk / dark outside, and if you unlock the car with the fob. I will check again next time I’m using the car in the evening.
  14. Rob Healy

    Radio Module Initialising

    Whilst driving earlier, I had an ‘engine fault, check manual’ flash up. It says to speak to the MG dealer. My trip tomorrow will now mean the car is going to be kept as they’re busy, rather than done in an hour. Brilliant ?
  15. Rob Healy

    Radio Module Initialising

    Still waiting for a call back at the moment. Will keep the thread updated once I’ve heard something. Will try calling again later. Update: I called back this morning and they were full of apologies for not calling back. I’m popping into the dealership at 14:00 tomorrow (15th July) for something...
  16. Rob Healy

    Radio Module Initialising

    I rang the dealership earlier, the MG expert was on his lunch break, awaiting a call back still at the minute.
  17. Rob Healy

    Radio Module Initialising

    It’s no problem. I appreciate your assistance. I’ll give them a ring a bit later. It’s not urgent but will need sorting.
  18. Rob Healy

    Radio Module Initialising

    Ok, done but the radio is still initialising and the dashboard is lit up like a Christmas tree at the moment. Oh, and next time I won’t manually close the boot while the battery is disconnected. I’m thankful for the emergency release option ?
  19. Rob Healy

    Radio Module Initialising

    I’ll give it a try later this morning and will report back ?
  20. Rob Healy

    Radio Module Initialising

    Interesting ?
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