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  1. Alansurfer

    Lithium NMC VS LIFEPO4

    We never actually charge the traction pack to 100% (cell voltage or capacity) or discharge to 0%, the battery management system keeps the cells above minimum and below maximum voltage. The Lifepo4 cells top out at 3.6v and most other chem lithium cells at 4.2v, the BMS will keep the cells...
  2. Alansurfer

    Draught from rear on Trophy

    That will be a relay/shunt switching the high voltage system on, when starting the 12v activates the high voltage systems after the safety checks I had a wind noise when I picked mine up too, it was the rear near side window open a tiny bit (probably from when the pre pickup clean was done).
  3. Alansurfer

    Zs Cabin constantly steaming up

    Cracking the windows open a bit with the fan on screen (aircon and heat) helps to push the moist air out of the cabin quicker. Both my ZS and MG5 clear misted windows fast with aircon and heat on, I live next to a river and lake and have a big German Shepard in the boot too. New vehicles need...
  4. Alansurfer

    MG5 Camping Boot Test

    Yes several times now. We have a big German Shepard in the boot so all our camping gear and luggage goes on the back seat, the flat floor in the back is useful. If you have no rear seat passengers you can remove the rear seat base (pull up from the front to un-clip) you then have a flat load space.
  5. Alansurfer

    Is everyday charging harmful for the battery ?

    A large battery pack is carefully monitored by the battery management system and never actually charges to 100% cell voltage, the 100% is the maximum allowable storage capacity for the pack not the maximum voltage. Every charge method from slow to rapid will slow to the same slow rate towards...
  6. Alansurfer


    As others have mentioned if the battery is above 90-95% the regen will be not be as aggressive when coming off the throttle quickly as there isn’t enough room in the battery for a rapid charge rate. The regen is is slightly different in eco, normal and sport mode too.
  7. Alansurfer

    250 miles.... NOT!

    Electric vehicles do have a big advantage of always on torque for hill climbing though, just dropping a few mph slower and 5-10% on the power meter can make a big difference in efficiency when climbing. I’ve been driving and riding evs for a long time and in the early days hypermile’n was...
  8. Alansurfer

    250 miles.... NOT!

    I’ve had my short range MG5 for a year this week, I’m getting 3.4-3.6 miles per kWh winter and 3.8-4.2 summer mixed motorway, town, country A/B roads (heater and aircon all year round when needed). Driving a lot slower on the motorway, 60-65, I’m getting 4.4-4.6 summer and 3.8 miles per kWh...
  9. Alansurfer

    12 v battery usage

    …..apart from the higher voltage traction pack that powers the motor, connected electronics and heater element all the other electrical components are 12v.
  10. Alansurfer

    12 v battery usage

    The 12v battery is exactly the same as in an ice vehicle, it is a starter battery for starting the vehicle and to use in an emergency situation powering the necessary systems (lights, hazard lights etc). If you are parked up using the radio, lights etc they will be drawing power directly from...
  11. Alansurfer

    Charge Port Light MG5

    You can pull the dip/full beam stalk to switch the headlights on for a few minutes with the car switched off, this is plenty of light to for plugging in.
  12. Alansurfer

    Ecotricity rapid charging customer satisfaction poll - share your experiences

    Not had any problems with supply or service over the years, I’ve been with them for a long time, I’ve not had to make any phone calls for some time so can’t comment on that but sort any issues out with app or by email. I like their continued stance on green issues and they are the only energy...
  13. Alansurfer

    Ecotricity rapid charging customer satisfaction poll - share your experiences

    Not if you’re a home energy customer It’s 19p if your a home energy customer.
  14. Alansurfer

    Ecotricity rapid charging customer satisfaction poll - share your experiences

    Over 7 years of ev using both Chademo and CCS Chademo is much more stable and CCS can require several attempts to start (this i find is the case on some brands of rapid though not just Ecotricity). In my experience Ecotricity are good and are my go to if using motorways, I always get a good fast...
  15. Alansurfer

    MG5 - Charging whilst unlocked

    .....just to add there is no problem charging on DC with my car.
  16. Alansurfer

    MG5 - Charging whilst unlocked

    My car (new 29th December) has been at the dealership for 18 days as has AC charging problems, unfortunately they don't seem to have the knowledge or equipment to quickly diagnose such a simple problem. I tried 5 different public chargers and my home pod point that's 5 years old and worked fine...
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