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  1. BugEyed

    Ohme Home Pro v ISmart charging confusion

    You can do it either way. change the settings in the Ohme to add a certain % of the battery. Turn all of the settings in the car off. set the timer and charge target in the car and put the Ohme into dumb mode. 1. allows you to use tariffs like Intelligent Octopus or to use the lowest carbon...
  2. BugEyed

    Home Charging point

    Most of the time, but not always. Some local authorities restrict them to a specific registration number or permit.
  3. BugEyed

    Can a home granny charger be extended with a type 2 cable.

    I agree with @Lovemyev but would either use a 16A CEE plug and interlocked socket or reduce the charge rate if forced into using a BS1363 3 pin plug and socket. New MG4 and 5 can do this on the infotainment screen, the rest of us need either an adjustable granny lead or a modified one set to a...
  4. BugEyed

    Home Charging point

    I presume that you cannot convert the front garden into parking? Otherwise you are not in a strong position. Nobody has the right to a reserved spot on the public highway apart from some disabled people. Otherwise it is a free for all. I have not heard of EVs being given dedicated parking spots...
  5. BugEyed

    Interesting watch on EV Tyres For All EVs

    Why cars should be kept out of the sun when not in use. Too true. They don't have to take the wheels off for a normal service so it is extra work for them, hence they will charge you one way or another. Due to the widespread adoption of ABS and the inability of today's drivers to cope with...
  6. BugEyed

    LED bulb upgrades for SE & Trophy.

    Is that all of the rear lights including brake and reverse as well as position? The manual implies not.
  7. BugEyed

    Black / Silver Centre Console Surround Swap

    Nice. At least it will not show the fingerprints as much.
  8. BugEyed

    Advice on replacing podpoint charger

    I'd have serious concerns about the longevity of the Hypervolt having seen the internals. But with most of the current offerings you are entirely dependent on the continuing support from the manufacturers as they are mainly bespoke circuit boards rather than standard modules. Given the upcoming...
  9. BugEyed

    Tesla Supercharger Issue MG5 LR

    That's pants. But apparently they have been promised a capacity increase from the DNOs after pressure from the Government so hopefully the speeds will improve. My last attempt at one of these double headed machines (1 CCS and 1 Chademo) stopped the charge for the LEAF that was already charging...
  10. BugEyed

    LED bulb upgrades for SE & Trophy.

    James Coates (aka James and Kate, Cleveley etc) has done this on some bulbs (the W5W wedge) on both his pre-facelift and facelift MG5. I'm not sure that he has done brake lights etc, but why not ask him?
  11. BugEyed

    Who owns what?

    On a Mk1 Nissan LEAF downsizing from the Tekna 215/50 17 to the Acenta 205/55 16 makes a huge difference, around 5% with the same model and brand of tyres. Admittedly based on a sample of 1, and with Goodyear EfficientGrip. It may be different for others. It's impossible to say whether it's the...
  12. BugEyed

    Can a home granny charger be extended with a type 2 cable.

    Often the reason for overheating is the similar contact surfaces on the fuse contained in the BS1363 plug. Unlike the contact surfaces between the pins on the plug and the socket springs the ones around the fuse are not regularly cleaned by being plugged and unplugged. The heat generated is...
  13. BugEyed

    I think I tripped a podpoint post.

    It's very unlikely to be your car unless it does it consistently to all charge points. Public charge points are often unreliable so it's more likely that.
  14. BugEyed

    Advice on replacing podpoint charger

    I presume that you mean 7kW, so ~ 32A? Good advice. You need at least 4mm and ideally 6mm cable depending on the length of your cable run which may or may not already be fitted. Obviously you'll need a new MCB. And then there is the issue of bringing the rest of the circuit up to current...
  15. BugEyed

    home ev charger changes

    It's the second part, the so called Section 1 requirement to come in line with EN 303 645, of the updated electric vehicle smart charge points regulations. The main part was 30/06/2022, the cybersecurity part 30/12/2022. Frankly it is too little too late. The Civil Service have saddled us with...
  16. BugEyed

    Rear seat courtesy lights

    What makes you think that the mounting hole spacing for these will be the same as the MG?
  17. BugEyed

    ORA Cat V MG4 SE LR

    Ora are relying on style over substance, hence trying to align themselves as a "brand" in a similar way to Mini. FIAT have tried the same unsuccessfully with 500, and arguably BMW have destroyed the Mini brand in recent years with vast and very average ICE. Quite how a dodgy Chinese company who...
  18. BugEyed

    Home charger/evse help

    Both do. But they are the premium end of the market.
  19. BugEyed

    "Unused" Centre console switch

    '22 plate MG5LR it does nothing. EDIT: Wrong! it still produces the GOM range. The other two buttons are two way so I suspect but don't know for sure that this would be too. Got to agree with that. Why would you want to? The OP has a definite additional function in mind but I haven't had...
  20. BugEyed

    Home charger/evse help

    Good advice, but a fuse rated at 80A will allow considerably greater current for a long period of time without an issue. The fuse is really only intended to protect the supplying cable from a fault in the property rather than to act as a short term limit in the way that the French "disjoncteur"...
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