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  1. BugEyed

    Home charger/evse help

    That's wrong. The maximum current on both is 32A and the difference in power is what voltage that is assumed to be delivered at which in turn is not a function of the EVSE but the DNO that provides the electricity to your property. So for a given car and property they would both provide the same...
  2. BugEyed

    MG Motors UK Named Carmaker Of The Year.

    Exactly. What more do dealers want? Lots of excellent reviews, keen pricing, good supply. Where do they get aired publicly? Rarely mentioned in the mainstream reviews. And the "Motor Trader, the UK’s longest running vehicle retail magazine" is hardly going to rock the boat. Nor "Automotive...
  3. BugEyed

    MG4 Heat Pump

    Correct, MG UK deems that we don't need it despite the fact that they also control sales in the EU and sell the Luxury (Trophy) with the heat pump as standard and at the same basic price. And that includes cold countries like Spain. :rolleyes: :unsure: Clearly we are not worthy. ;)
  4. BugEyed

    Charging cable choices…

    :ROFLMAO: My only non-EV owning relative is half a mile away from some 28p/kWh 7kW charge points. If I am just doing a day trip I need the faster rate, if staying longer I'd not expect to pay less than that for it and with a 60kWh battery will not take it for free - I'd not expect to provide...
  5. BugEyed

    Rear black plastic bar.

    It's as above - it is technically illegal but it will never be spotted. If the Police have a downer on you for some reason they might give you a "producer" where you have to fit a legal one within 14 days. Looks very nice by the way! (y)
  6. BugEyed

    Charging cable choices…

    Six years of EV driving, and apart from a brief period where an employer allowed us access to 3 pin points before installing proper EVSE I have never carried a "Granny" lead. Gone are the days when there were public 3 pin charging points - everything is now proper EVSE or Rapids. Given the...
  7. BugEyed

    Locked in my MG4 & unable to escape - Serious Safety Issue

    I would not be surprised if there are a number of vehicles delivered after that date without the update.
  8. BugEyed

    Rear black plastic bar.

    It's on the checklist of things for the MoT to check, but given that they often miss illegal spacing then you are probably right.
  9. BugEyed

    Efficacy of Aero Wheel Covers

    @Stageshoot was going to do that, but I can't recall seeing the photos. For Tesla M3 a figure of 2-3% at highway speed is quoted, and considerably less at lower speeds. Given how far recessed the MG4 tyres are I'd say it'll be less bad, and if you aren't always at 70+ it'll probably get to the...
  10. BugEyed

    Locked in my MG4 & unable to escape - Serious Safety Issue

    That's fairly simple then - all cars sold to date.
  11. BugEyed

    Hypervolt home charge point - good experience

    Neat. Is the plug holder angled or does it stick out?
  12. BugEyed

    Schuko to 3 pin adapter

    This sort of thing is a better idea, but check it regularly when first using it to ensure that it doesn't overheat. Schuko Euro Plug Socket to 13A 3 Pin UK Plug Adapter [Earthed] Kenable are a reliable supplier and normally quick although possibly not over the New Year holiday. Edit to add...
  13. BugEyed

    MG4 SE vs MG4 Trophy Connectivity

    Nothing. But it'll be a much lower data SIM, and possibly 3G for cost despite the imminent end date for that technology in the UK.
  14. BugEyed

    MG5 12v Battery Replacement Cost?

    To clarify, if your car is plugged into your charge point and actively charging the HV battery then the 12v will also be being charged. But if the car is not actively being charged, e.g. the car has terminated the HV charging or the charge point is not offering a charge (say it is on a timed...
  15. BugEyed

    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    And exactly when will deliveries to UK customers of these "improved" cars begin?
  16. BugEyed

    MG4 Restricted speed - weird

    @bowfer I admire your persistence. (y) But how much longer are you going to put up with a car that cannot maintain a core function such as the ability to go at the national speed limit? There appears to be no real support from MG to resolve this and they seem to just be stringing you along. It...
  17. BugEyed

    MG5 LR 10 months old rear washer not working WARNING

    Common problem - this has been reported on other threads. The pipe pulls off of the joints too easily and just needs slipping back on. Washer Jets Freezing FWIW the difference with your Wife's Peugeot may just be that you had some lower concentration fluid left in the pipe.
  18. BugEyed

    MG4 Should I get one? What’s the consensus from owners and those waiting?

    Is that good or bad? :unsure: Nissan actively targeted the Darth Vader look for the Ariya which is similarly plug ugly.
  19. BugEyed

    MG4 Should I get one? What’s the consensus from owners and those waiting?

    You also need to look at Smart's record with EVs and their appalling lack of support for their customers when problems arise. MG look fantastic in comparison. :eek: :rolleyes::unsure:
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