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  1. BugEyed

    Rear seatbelt buckle

    Hi tech at its best!
  2. BugEyed

    New car handover charge

    100% from Peter Vardy, but like others part of the negotiation and with a long journey ahead.
  3. BugEyed

    Archived Pre-facelift Long Range boot tray

    Having returned to the MG5 fold I'm looking for a boot tray (genuine MG or import) for a '22 plate LR? Anyone got one spare? Thanks
  4. BugEyed

    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    Agreed. Mine was one of the early supposedly "overfilled" cars. It leaked, it was drained and refilled to the reduced level and then leaked again. In both cases the leaks occurred after long runs on wiggly roads, and not after extended motorway cruises or shorter journeys.
  5. BugEyed

    MG5 Trophy - API

    MG clearly have no intention of making the API public - people have been requesting it for over a year without response let alone a timeline. Given everything else going on I cannot see it happening particularly given the politics between the UK and Chinese Governments.
  6. BugEyed

    MG4 Restricted speed - weird

    If you had an old Nissan LEAF that would be a symptom of the BMS switching from "coulomb counting" to assess the remaining charge to using the voltage of the lowest cell. That should occur on the LEAF at 20% charge or if higher indicate one or more defective cells. Obviously the MG is different...
  7. BugEyed

    MG4 recall

    All cars delivered to date in the UK were built before the first were delivered. So any improvements are likely issues identified at the factory that should never have been delivered (such as the Trophy driver awareness camera) or improvements in the PDI process rectifying issues. True...
  8. BugEyed

    MG5 Tow bar again

    The LEAF was not homologated to tow in the EU but it was in the USA. So rating the towbar makes sense as the drawings from Nissan probably showed a meaningful limit.
  9. BugEyed

    MG 5 EV V2L

    You need to be careful to manage the total load that you take with that lead. It may allow the car to provide more current than the connector is rated for on a continuous basis. If the resistance between PP and Earth is the MG "standard" ~470 Ohms then the car will provide up to 32A whereas a...
  10. BugEyed

    Type 1 to Type 2 Adaptor

    That's the correct type to get, although I cannot comment on the quality. If you download and sign up to the Tesla app you can buy a high quality one that's future proofed by being 3 phase for £85 but is shorter, heavier and doesn't come with a bag
  11. BugEyed

    MG5 Charging Problem

    Not sure how much fixing it for MGs is going to be a priority. Tesla can claim to have opened up their network and that the issues are down to MG's interpretation of the CCS protocols.
  12. BugEyed

    MG 5 EV V2L

    You cannot currently use V2L with the pre-facelift MG5 and I doubt that MG will make the facility available.
  13. BugEyed

    MG5 12v Battery Replacement Cost?

    They are available from most battery stockists as 75 or T5. For example: 075 Car Batteries
  14. BugEyed

    Airbag partially deployed whilst parked up after dealer update

    @Lovemyev and @thestig84 How do you explain the white powder (designed to keep the airbag from sticking when folded) all over the steering wheel? And the warning via iSmart? Something has happened more than the cover coming unclipped.
  15. BugEyed

    MG4 Undertray dip/bulge

    Sorry, but that is such rollocks. The whole motor/gearbox assembly is not designed to be exposed to road sh1te, particularly the salt/grit that we have at this point of the year. Most front engined cars have had undertrays as standard for the last 20 years. The amount of stuff that gets flung...
  16. BugEyed

    Car heating has stopped working

    If you want to check a low voltage fuse then in the fusebox in the side of the dashboard by the driver visible when the door is open is F47 which is a 5A described as "High Voltage Electric Heater". Good luck.
  17. BugEyed

    Airbag partially deployed whilst parked up after dealer update

    I thought that airbags didn't trigger if the car was stationary, even if fully turned on. That sounds a potentially very dangerous fault presumably just with the airbag rather than the car.
  18. BugEyed

    Car heating has stopped working

    The manual says: Economy Mode Press the ECON button on the control panel, the air conditioning system will enter Economy Mode, the indicator in the button will illuminate. In Economy Mode, the air conditioning system will run at low energy consumption, so as to prolong the driving range. Note...
  19. BugEyed

    Airbag partially deployed whilst parked up after dealer update

    If it's under a month seriously consider rejecting it. All manufacturers occasionally make "Friday" cars and it sounds like you might have one. Otherwise, you need to be sure why this happened. Good luck.
  20. BugEyed

    Tyre valve

    Sounds possible. Can you see where the fault has started from?
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