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  1. BugEyed


    Merry Christmas and a prosperous New year to you too. Sounds that it'll be either a drop link or spring. I hope that it'll be fixed under warranty but I'm not sure whether you have much cover as a taxi. EVBreakers have lots of nearly new parts available if you are paying.
  2. BugEyed

    Car heating has stopped working

    I can't believe that all of the MG garages are too busy rectifying MG4s to look at your car. If you have a DTC reader check that, but it is most likely an HV fuse that you'd be mad to play with and would likely invalidate your warranty. Be prepared to travel to a decent dealer.
  3. BugEyed

    Tyre valve

    Missed the last question. You can move the wheels around and the car picks up the changes after a few miles of use. If you want you can pay your dealer to force a reset to learn the new positions quicker, but why bother?
  4. BugEyed

    Tyre valve

    The EU Nanny state and her post BREXIT niece insist that you have them, so there's no way to avoid them other than driving old cars as they are an MOT requirement. But the good news is that the sensor was not what failed, it just hangs under a relatively normal valve stem that costs less than...
  5. BugEyed

    Charging Port Light - Your Thoughts ?.

    At least with the wardrobe you can climb in to see if the light actually turns off. ;)
  6. BugEyed

    Charging flap frozen

    Plastic is not a very good conductor. If it is the locking pin that's frozen those are unlikely to help.
  7. BugEyed

    MG4 Range

    How often do you charge your mobile phone? Is it really a hardship?
  8. BugEyed

    MG4 Range

    That's the same for all vehicles, ICE, Hybrid or EV. But it's more noticeable with EVs given their more limited range in the first place. Speed limits are not targets, but I recognise that it is your right to choose. If you really need more range then you have no choice apart from reverting to...
  9. BugEyed

    Battery Heater - MG5 LR Exclusive

    Two MG5 LRs - one of each trim - worked on neither.
  10. BugEyed

    Bit of reassurance for the MG5

    Ahh, that's the downside of that method. It doesn't respond to the key, only to a brick. ;)
  11. BugEyed

    Driving EV in snow

    I agree with everything that @5teep says apart from It may be in comparison to a similar FWD ICE but is actually very well balanced with almost exactly 50% at each end. But so do most BMW and we know what they are like in snow. ;)
  12. BugEyed

    Locked in my MG4 & unable to escape - Serious Safety Issue

    It's not going to happen - nothing to see here. This is being handled to the same playbook as the oil leak - denial, silence, rectification only made grudgingly to those who kick off. I've decided against coming back to an MG4 so have sought out a series 1 MG5 LR instead. Good luck to all of...
  13. BugEyed

    MG4 Range

    The Driver display - that's what you are getting at that time* for whatever reason. Agreed. You rarely get the promised range in the LEAF. You can expect whatever figure you like, but in the MG4 it seems not to deliver it once you have losses from heating etc, particularly on short journeys...
  14. BugEyed

    MG Pilot vs Cruise Control + Lane Assist?

    I'd leave it off if I were you. It works well on roads with well defined white lines and well behaved other drivers. Sadly I rarely find those and end up turning Pilot off.
  15. BugEyed

    Snow, steep hills and the MG5 LR

    The manual says: ICE are different - the engine will keep turning as it'll not go below below idle speed - KERS continues to apply at all speeds. Also, in slippery conditions you are recommended to use a higher gear than normal to reduce the effect of engine braking. We could argue about...
  16. BugEyed

    iSmart Cost?

    The App provides a few features more than can be obtained from the car but I can't say that I place huge value on it. The most potentially useful function of preheating not working whilst plugged in hardly helps.
  17. BugEyed

    Spare Wheel?

    112mm PCD, 5 stud, 57mm centre bore.
  18. BugEyed

    [Car finally rejected] Recalcitrant Dealer

    If they have had the undertray off and cleaned the gearbox and breather then that's not far enough for sufficient oil to escape to leak out. On my car which had a leak, then the level reduced and everything cleaned up, it took about 200 miles before it reappeared. But it did reappear...
  19. BugEyed

    When 7kwh is 4kwh issue

    My first SR was never charged to 100% from new (including in the PDI) for over three weeks and for over 1,500 miles (long story) but never displayed that characteristic. Apparently you should get a message suggesting that you need to do a balancing charge but I never saw it. When I finally...
  20. BugEyed

    MG4: The New Batch

    Do it. Just be careful that they actually have the car in stock rather than just a promise of one sometime. I feel for dealers - they aren't able to order into a queue for a particular spec, they just get allocated a random selection of spec from each ship by MGUK. So although they want an...
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