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  1. C

    USB sticks not playing music or video?

    Thanks. After the holidays I will have to book the car in and see if they can identify why the ports aren't working to read data. Yes I will be complaining re the v2l, have waited 18 months for delivery and this was one of the deciding features in going for the MG.
  2. C

    USB sticks not playing music or video?

    It knows a usb stick is inserted but can't find any files. I noticed you are in Germany, does your vehicle have the V2L? In the UK this new batch of MG ZS appear to have lost the feature, I was wondering if we have also list usb access.
  3. C

    USB sticks not playing music or video?

    Thanks, these are usb fobs that work fine in other cars. Formatted to Fat 32. The audio files are mp3, videos are Avi. Tried moving them out of directory so that they are all on root. Still nothing. Just concerned if this is another new development from MG China in the spec of the latest 2023 zs.
  4. C

    MG ZS missing V2L function

    Those of you who have recently received your car and having this problem, could you please check if the USB sockets work to play music/ videos from a USB fob. I received my car beginning of June from Vanarama so i assume my V2L will also be an issue although cant test that yet. But l can't...
  5. C

    USB sticks not playing music or video?

    Hi I got my new zs version 2, beginning of June after waiting 18 months (Vanarama lease). Has anyone with a recently delivered car tried the usb connection to play music or videos. I have tried numerous sticks in both central sockets that worked fine in my previous ioniq, but when I connect...
  6. C

    Navigation coloured screen

    On some of the you tube videos the internal navigation system is displaying maps in colour. So assumed its possible.
  7. C

    Navigation coloured screen

    Hi can anyone tell me how to get the navigation in colour, I can only switch between black or white? It's a new zs ev se. Thanks
  8. C

    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    Mine from Vanarama delivered this morning ☺️
  9. C

    Vanarama Issues

    Finally delivered this morning ???hope you all get yours shortly ?
  10. C

    Vanarama Issues

  11. C

    Vanarama Issues

    Did you ask Vanarama about the free insurance and cashback?
  12. C

    Vanarama Issues

    Hi, how did you sort the free insurance and cash back? Was going to wait until car arrives.
  13. C

    Vanarama Issues

    Anyone heard anything more? Very frustrating to be told 3 weeks ago that the vehicle was here and yet drill waiting for details of a delivery date.
  14. C

    Fully Charged Show Farnborough

    Will the code work for harrogate show?
  15. C

    Vanarama Issues

    Well Stuart, I think you brought all this on yourself when this post was sidelined away from the main zs thread. This was at a time you were negotiating a sponsorship deal with Vanarama. Many of us who ordered a zs through Vanarama believe that the service has been substandard. Since MG at...
  16. C

    Vanarama Issues

    I ordered at the same time/deal still no car. The only thing I regularly receive from Vanarama is the weekly email reminding me to sign up for the gap insurance. Wished they put as much effort into getting me my car.
  17. C

    Vanarama Issues

    No Mg under the Chrisitmas tree, I vote Vanarama as the Grinch - that stole Christmas. To be honest the amount it will cost Vanarama and bad press, they won't have the nerve or bottle to pursue payments. They will give it the big un and push their luck.
  18. C

    Vanarama Issues

    First dibs on a black SE I call first dibs on a black SE long range
  19. C

    Vanarama Issues

    Strange that an MG forum would be sponsored by a lease company that will not supply MG's. Anyone would think it was hush money?
  20. C

    Vanarama Issues

    Don't agree with you, our issue is with Vanarama supply of the MG ZS EV and therefore I believe should be within the ZS forum. If you insist that this is the place for this thread could you at least pin it for prominence?
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