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  1. Silver estate

    Checklist for first time buyer MG5 UK

    Keep eye on Richmond motors from next week as I PX mine in today 😢
  2. Silver estate

    Archived MG5 boot liner Fs Gosport £30

    Bump , as car is going today
  3. Silver estate

    Snow and Forward Collision Assistance System

    Re your VW ACC , Then the same would stand for a MAN truck as they’re part of the same group
  4. Silver estate

    Snow and Forward Collision Assistance System

    Yep all time in trucks I drive , also heavy rain and spray does the same
  5. Silver estate

    Out with the old, in with the new...

    My 2022 excite with 11300 miles PX value was £11500 New was £31k So about £20 k in 2 year , 🤕
  6. Silver estate

    Not getting the advertised range on full charge

    Should I put cider in my coolant bottle then 🤣🤣
  7. Silver estate

    Checklist for first time buyer MG5 UK

    Just a granny one that plugs in to normal socket
  8. Silver estate

    Worst car I've ever had

    I own a MG5 and a Ford Cmax 1.6 tdci 6 speed manual and I’m a truck driver driving a DAF XG with the camera mirrors Each drive different and have their own little niggles , but I enjoy driving all of them My 5 is 28 months old and had no faults , I did my research 1st and was a member of this...
  9. Silver estate

    Advice for a new ev buyer

    11350 excite
  10. Silver estate

    Advice for a new ev buyer

    Re MG5’s Richmond in Portsmouth have 3 soon to be 4 for sale And as you say an estate is never to big and is quite capable town car as well as a motorway one
  11. Silver estate

    The end is Nigh for my MG5

    Not gone in to it blinkered been member of that forum for a week and exactly same faults as the MG’s 4 and HS were to small, for me
  12. Silver estate

    The end is Nigh for my MG5

    No different to an MG 4 according to some , but I’ve been Lucky with my 5 , but all cars have some faults
  13. Silver estate

    The end is Nigh for my MG5

    Well next weekend I’ll be saying good bye to my MG5 😢 still love driving it but due family and my health problems ( mums struggling to get in and out and I can’t drive long distances in it ) it’s had to go I would recommend one as a cheap entry in to EV’s Yes if thing were different I would...
  14. Silver estate

    Archived MG5 boot liner Fs Gosport £30

    Yes it is I work in Bevois valley and will be there tomorrow night after 6 pm if that helps
  15. Silver estate

    My MG5 has to go Enyaq or MG Hs to replace it ?

    Took demonstrator one out which was for sale @ £29k drove lovely
  16. Silver estate

    Archived MG5 boot liner Fs Gosport £30

    Due to selling my MG5 I have a full boot liner for said car, £30 pick up only gosport This is third have I brought off forum member
  17. Silver estate

    My MG5 has to go Enyaq or MG Hs to replace it ?

    Well sad to say as of next week I’ll be an ex MG 5 owner , put deposit down on a top spec Enyaq
  18. Silver estate

    Ice Inside Car - How to Reduce Condensation

    Yes a short blast with ac will help , also make sure it’s on the demist and feet setting , that seems to work best in my 5 Any car will have ice inside at these cold temps we had last night , I own a Ford Cmax as well and I just start that and leave the heated front screen on for a bit
  19. Silver estate


    Gaffer tape
  20. Silver estate

    Charging at AppleGreen stations, Warwick Services

    ‘Twas choca block with cars in Warwick SB today and I noticed all the posh chargers were full Truck park had plenty of spaces though , stopped for a quick 15 min break in my truck
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