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  1. C

    An update on the increasing play on my loose steering column :)

    Tighten the bolts as per my post
  2. C

    Electric tailgate on MG ZS EV

    Thanks a million. Did you have it shipped to the UK and if you did was the shipping expensive?
  3. C

    Electric tailgate on MG ZS EV

    No problem at all
  4. C

    Electric tailgate on MG ZS EV

    Im looking to get one and I will do a video as I install it. Do you have a link of the one you bought please. Many thanks
  5. C

    Electric tailgate on MG ZS EV

    Hey, how did this work out for you?
  6. C

    An update on the increasing play on my loose steering column :)

    Well at least you know that thats your problem. You have to really tighten it. Also tighten the one under the scuttle panel. The noise in my car is completely gone now
  7. C

    Pollen filter air intake

  8. C

    Pollen filter air intake

    Hey Folks, I had the scuttle panel taken off the other day to tighten a bolt and I noticed a large hole for air intake. You can put your hand in to this hole and touch the filter. This hole seems quite large to me and in an earlier thread I spoke about the windows fogging up, I couldnt see...
  9. C

    An update on the increasing play on my loose steering column :)

    I got some teflon tape today and am going to apply it tomorrow and report back. There is a creaking noise coming from the front of the dash since I removed the scuttle panel to tighten the bolt for the other noise?
  10. C

    An update on the increasing play on my loose steering column :)

    I suspect the annoying click/knocking noise comes from metal on metal moving against one another really slightly. And by tightening the hell out of it prevents this rubbing. I think if it comes back I will remove the bolts and put a washer of some sort between the metals, maybe a rubber or fiber...
  11. C

    An update on the increasing play on my loose steering column :)

    Wiper arms were not too bad, one came off as soon as I loosened the bolt. And the other one I had to give it a few taps of a hammer on to the threaded part, it then popped off. No I didnt apply any silent tape. I didnt notice any noise from it, so I didnt feel the need. Yea I just had to learn...
  12. C

    An update on the increasing play on my loose steering column :)

    Seems to be a spring and a washer
  13. C

    An update on the increasing play on my loose steering column :)

    So I have an update on the increased play in my steering. If you look back on my previous posts in this thread, you will see a detailed description on how to tighten the bolts on the steering column and under the scuttle panel. Around 6 months ago I had alot of play in my steering wheel along...
  14. C

    An update on the increasing play on my loose steering column :)

    Just another update. I posted on this thread a few months ago a detailed step by step how to tighten the bolts under the steering column to stop the knocking. Well, the knocking came back a very small bit, so I decided to tighten the bolt under the scuttle panel under the wipers. I got two full...
  15. C

    MG ZS EV ECU data via the Torque Pro app

    Hi Nix, yes they work when I add a sensor. The speed, SOC and one or two others works perfectly. There are others that are a bit mad, and the SOH doesnt work for me. Great work again by the way. Many thanks
  16. C

    MG ZS EV ECU data via the Torque Pro app

    And I cant get the SOH either
  17. C

    MG ZS EV ECU data via the Torque Pro app

    I cant get any data from Nix's pids or dash board with the exception of speed, which is very laggy. I can however get some data using the thai version, but not using Nix's dashboaed with the thai pid's. My car is a UK car so maybe the ecu's are different on the Aus cars??
  18. C

    MG ZS EV ECU data via the Torque Pro app

    Thanks. Can I run the two pids in tandem? The thai one and your one?
  19. C

    MG ZS EV ECU data via the Torque Pro app

    I love the dashboard too. Thanks a million, you have taken away alot of pain and suffering with your helpful files. Much appreciated
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