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  1. D


    Sorry for the ambiguity in my previous post - yes, I mean no efficiency gain in KERS 1 (least regen). EV manufacturers provide configurable regen levels in order to be more acceptable to new drivers coming over from ICE. My brother, for instance, when driving my e-Niro for the first time found...
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    I too have known people who drive like that - as you say, it's horrible to ride with them! :-) I've no idea what actual difference it makes to consumption, but it feels very inefficient. Maybe an argument could be made for repeatedly running an ICE car in a more efficient higher power output...
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    EV power-trains are complex computer-controlled servo systems. Changing a major parameter when in motion is bound to cause a noticable hiccup as the servo system re-adjusts. It certainly doesn't follow that lower regen settings are somehow more efficient. They're not.
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    It's interesting to me that the most efficient EVs on the road (Tesla) don't have a KERS setting, but fix the regen at maximum (one-pedal driving). They've done extensive research on this and of course have the largest data pool of any EV company (all Tesla cars report telemetry, like formula 1...
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    MG4 Windows dropping?

    We've seen the same issue on several occations - mostly one or more windows slightly ajar, but once one of the back windows was fully down when we returned to the car (parked at home, thankfully). Again, we'd put this down to accidental button-presses, but given the large number of folks seeing...
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    New MG4 owner here!

    HaHa, by your picture you are also on 2 wheels. I ride a motorbike (summer weekends only, nowadays) and that's still petrol (can't quite wean myself off the lovely rumble of a Triumph twin through after-market exhausts ;-))
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    New MG4 owner here!

    Attempting to return to the original thread ;-) - welcome MG4 Concert! We had our first electric MG over 3 years ago now (MG ZS EV back in Feb. 2020) just before lockdown hit. It was a godsend, as we were able to drive around the countryside to get out of the house, without ever going near a...
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    What goes from 0-62 in 4 seconds

    I'm really hoping this new 4wd model hits the streets in the UK before my e-Niro comes to the end of it's PCP in oct. It's the only car around that I think I would change the e-Niro for (given I can't afford to reach up to Tesla MY 4wd levels). Otherwise I'll hold onto it and wait 'till next...
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    One pedal drive

    "One Pedal Driving" is simply a software mode affecting the way regen is applied in the car. It actually doesn't specifically require strong regen, but usually the regen it stronger if "one pedal mode" is an option. The difference is this: with the MG4, if you take your foot completely off the...
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    One pedal drive

    you have a brake pedal for that :-)
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    One pedal drive

    No, not really. It's like an ICE car with very strong engine braking, but more progressive. You develop a light foot, so you progressively lift your foot to slow down in the same way you would gently press to gradually speed up. Any car can be jerky if you drive it that way.
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    One pedal drive

    This is the one big criticism I have of the MG4 - far too light regen (even on so-called "strong" setting). I would LOVE to have one-pedal driving. As has been said above, even those who were initially sceptical grow to prefer it over time. It does require some adjustment from ICE driving, and...
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    Things I love about my MG4

    Really interesting you mentioned no "auto wipers". The brocure did state auto wipers, so we were initially disappointed when we collected our car in december (the test drive was in the dry!). However, we've noticed over time that the intermittent wiper rate DOES seem to change - I think it's...
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    Things I love about my MG4

    We've been driving EVs now for over 3 years - MG4 is our third EV. So, things I like (compared with our other EVs and historical ICE cars): 1. Looks - it looks amazing!! (ours is Black) other EVs are/were crossover/suv and look clunky by comparison 2. Rear wheel drive - it puts all it's torque...
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    USB Music

    Thanks - I'll look them up :-)
  16. D

    USB Music

    I'd be interested to know which service you work for (are you able to post the name here??) - we actually got a rebate of license fee from the BBC, as I was so disguisted by their late behaviour, I took down our aerial, removed all ability to receive broadcast TV and made our household solely...
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    USB Music

    Interesting - maybe that's an illustration of changing demographics (I'm most certainly in the "old school" category). However I'm tech savvy (I'm a computer specialist by profession) but find connecting a phone every time I get in the car to be both unreliable and a hassle. Permanent USB (I...
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    USB Music

    I've found a permanently connected USB stick to be the most reliable and low-effort way to have music in the car. We've had this on the original ZS EV (couldn't easily select specific folders), my e-Niro (better control of folders, but still not ideal) and now my wife's MG4 (replacing the ZS...
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    Back to diesel

    I would advise to take the long term view. Both my wife and I have been driving electric now for 3 years (first electric car was an MG ZS EV Mk1 (160mile range at best), then I replaced my well-loved Volvo V70 diesel with a Kia e-Niro (270 miles range) for longer journeys. We've just replaced...
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    580 HP Well it’s coming if you want it soon.

    thtat's interesting - we're not getting over 3 in my wife's Trophy, and we're in the same part of the world as you (we're just south of Salisbury, you're just north, by the look if it). What firmware level are you running with (when was the last time your car was updated?) - I'm thinking there...
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