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  1. Kithmo

    "snow" mode in cities without snow? Like mud maybe?

    Snow mode gives less regen and less initial grunt.
  2. Kithmo

    Delay paying £190 car tax on EV until April 2026 (action needed before the end of March 2025)

    Nah, next year, when the VED goes up again, it'll be, "can we tax it in march to still get it at this years rate" :LOL:
  3. Kithmo

    Ooh - an intrusion warning!

    The alarm goes off when you lift the bonnet when the car is locked. I've done it a couple of times, pulled the bonnet release lever, shut the door and locked it, by force of habit, then gone and lifted the bonnet and the alarm goes off and sends a message to the app.
  4. Kithmo

    After a series of errors this this is what the MG dealer had to say

    Am I right in thinking that anything connected to the OBD port that receives and transmits data wirelessly can be hacked and data transmitted to the car by hackers. Maybe these "random" occurrences of faults showing up are some sort of external interference.
  5. Kithmo

    One pedal driving interaction with ABS on slippery slope

    My mate had a Vauxhall Viva HB with skinny tyres, way better in the snow than my fat tyred Cortina.
  6. Kithmo

    Weather details not loading after system and tbox update

    Maybe the head unit needs re-activating. Try this. How to reactivate the MG4 head unit. From the main screen, swipe left to the other screen and select “settings” On the settings screen, select “system” from the list on the right hand side. On the system screen, tap “Entertainment system” 5...
  7. Kithmo

    Can anyone help me (low estimated range)

    What does the miles/kWh say on the trip ? Using the heater on HI and short journeys you could give you around 2 mi/kWh. 2 x 61.7 (battery capacity) = 123 miles for 100% so it is feasible. I'm getting around 150 miles on a full charge currently, 2.5 mi/kWh, short trips with the heater on 28°C...
  8. Kithmo

    Cannot manually unlock door using physical key

    Do you have an Android tablet ?
  9. Kithmo

    Cannot manually unlock door using physical key

    Use the app.
  10. Kithmo

    Why no Trophy SR ?

    I wonder why MG didn't have the option of a SR battery on the MG4 Trophy ? I'm sure there are many people who only do short local trips for the majority of their driving, but would like the extra options that the Trophy offers.
  11. Kithmo

    MG4 Low Charging speed compared to friends EV

    To put it simply, it sounds like it's a 11kW, 3 phase charger, the MG4 can only use one phase, 11/3 = 3.7kW
  12. Kithmo

    Winter Handling

    That's the loss of regen effect when one wheel loses traction.
  13. Kithmo

    Cannot manually unlock door using physical key

    Alternatively, if the key fob battery is flat, use the app to open and start the car. As a matter of interest, do you not have a spare key fob ?
  14. Kithmo

    Cannot manually unlock door using physical key

    That's right, the physical key is only meant to open the door, there's no connection to the mirrors or lights. You have to get (sit) in to turn the car on with the normal key (fob). Every car I've had with remote control unlocking has been the same, unlock the car with the physical key and the...
  15. Kithmo

    Winter Handling

    I've had a couple of twitches this last few days with mine, but it soon rights itself when the stability control kicks in.
  16. Kithmo

    Cabin overheat protection?

    I wish it had global opening and closing of the windows like SWMBO's MG5 does. :(
  17. Kithmo

    can you set nfotainment screen to dark permanently

    Ditto, I can't stand that white screen.
  18. Kithmo

    Battery Heating set to charge - Inefficiency

    So I assume you turned it off, did it stay off or has it come back on again ?
  19. Kithmo

    I smart app not connecting to car

    Once the car is asleep you can't wake it with the app, the only way to wake it is with the remote key fob, unlock and relock it.
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