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  1. Kithmo

    I can't bind my car!

    Is the head unit activated ? IRRC I think you have to log in to your account in the car to get the QR code.
  2. Kithmo

    Front fog lights

    Are you sure they're not the DRLS ?
  3. Kithmo

    Battery heating system

    I've yet to do a rapid charge with the 4, but now you mention it I remember it used to come on with my old ZS on a rapid charger. 👍
  4. Kithmo

    Minor parking brake issue?

    I didn't use to use the handbrake but recently started using the handbrake when stood in traffic so my brake lights don't dazzle the car behind. N is basically just for moving the vehicle on to a low loader if it's broken down.
  5. Kithmo

    Battery heating system

    I assume he means water pumps to pump the coolant around the systems not heat pumps.
  6. Kithmo

    Seat belt warning

    Dabbing the brake pedal will also release the handbrake when in D or R. I find this easier than pressing the accelerator, when parking close to obstacles, as the car tends to lurch forward (or back in R) if you press too hard, whereas dabbing the brake just lets off the parking brake and the car...
  7. Kithmo

    Amazon Music

    The Amazon music app in the car is rubbish so I use Amazon Prime music from my phone via bluetooth or cable.
  8. Kithmo

    Podpoint home charger won't charge

    Yellow LED means you have a schedule set on the Pod point. Red means a problem with the charger. Firstly make sure you don't have any schedules set in the car or the iSmart app. I would then try cancelling any schedules in the app (and on the car) to see if it works as a dumb charger. It all...
  9. Kithmo

    Boing…rattle rattle!

    Sounds like a broken spring to me. Check the tops and bottoms of the springs.
  10. Kithmo

    Seat belt warning

    Mine actually has released itself and gone into "P" mode after a while, on a couple of occasions, leaving me sat there like a dick, fumbling with the gear selector when the lights have changed. 🫢
  11. Kithmo

    Minor parking brake issue?

    I wouldn't think that would do any short term damage, but in the long term, doing it often, maybe.
  12. Kithmo

    Battery heating system

    It shows in the manual as the two coolant systems are one for the motor and the other for the battery.
  13. Kithmo

    Minor parking brake issue?

    If it would roll, I'm not sure the motor would like that, it was suggested that just holding the car on a hill in Drive and not on the brake, is bad. I suggested putting it in Reverse not Drive, because that would not be damaging at all, it just regenerates energy into the HV battery.
  14. Kithmo

    Battery heating system

    Does the battery heating system have a pump ? I was just wondering, if you never used battery heating would the lack of movement affect the quality of the coolant and if it has a pump could it seize up through lack of use ? I was thinking an occasional use of the system to stir it up might be...
  15. Kithmo

    Minor parking brake issue?

    Why roll backwards in neutral, just put it in reverse ? IIRC the manual says don't push the car more than 3 mph in neutral, I assume rolling is the same as pushing, so if you roll back at over 3mph you're damaging the HV system. FYI, if auto hold is on, dabbing the footbrake will disengage it.
  16. Kithmo


    Normal for Winter
  17. Kithmo

    Mirror doesn't fold

    The auto function on the mirrors gets thrown into confusion if someone manually pushes the mirrors in or out externally by hand. This is when they need to be reset by folding them in with the switch and holding the switch down for a few seconds after they have folded, then folding the mirrors...
  18. Kithmo

    Auto lights

    I like to turn everything "Auto" off where I can and use my 50+ years driving experience and my own judgement to know when to to turn things on and off by paying attention to the road and my surroundings.
  19. Kithmo

    Dishonest dealer or acceptable practice?

    I know someone who has the same problem. :sneaky:
  20. Kithmo

    Seat belt warning

    Mine has caught me out a couple of times with a similar thing, but without the seat belt light. When sat at the lights with the handbrake on (small square switch not gear selector P), it drops out of D into P after a while, leaving me sat there like a prat not moving when the lights have...
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