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  1. mrg9999

    Delay paying £190 car tax on EV until April 2026 (action needed before the end of March 2025)

    Visit follow the screens.
  2. mrg9999

    Which ODBII dongle for ABRP?

    The Vgate Winlink is working ith ABRP nicely. I've had some problems with other ODB / apps.
  3. mrg9999

    Which ODBII dongle for ABRP?

    I bought this on amazon £23 That works with apps that my others didn't and was detected by ABRP of the apps I tried, none show battery SOH (State of Health). At the service place when the technician checked it he showed me 100% and other stats. He used...
  4. mrg9999

    Which ODBII dongle for ABRP?

    Thanks, That looks much cheaper on Amazon UK, I might try it.
  5. mrg9999

    Which ODBII dongle for ABRP?

    Which ODBII dongle for ABRP? I have a collections of dongles that worked to a degree with my previous ICE cars. I have a couple from Ali express ELM 327 clones that work to a degree and show battery SOC in the Torque apps, but doesn't in...
  6. mrg9999

    My Ismart app sometimes does not connect to the gps

    They do respond to email, though it does feel a bit like a bot sometimes. Dear Customer, We apologize for the issues you've experienced. Since the app communicates with the vehicle, its functionality depends on the vehicle’s network status. When the network is poor, communication between the...
  7. mrg9999

    New Map 23Q4: Unable to install MD5 verification failure[Solved]

    Last 5 cars different makes, map up dates have been rubbish, often got an older map installed. Example 2016 car got 2014 maps on update. In end I bought an SD card for £20 on Ebay, had to share VIN but it was perfect., next service, dealer put old version back on but at least I could restore the...
  8. mrg9999

    10mm spanner fix - How often do you need to apply it?

    Thanks, someone else said their MG4 has never done it either. It seems to only be the ZS 2021/2022 models
  9. mrg9999

    10mm spanner fix - How often do you need to apply it?

    How many times do you have to apply the 10mm remove negative lead fix to make you MG ZS starting working like a proper car again. I've had parked car, come back - nothing works. 10mm spanner, everything works. First time this happened in 2023 I called the breakdown, the chap did some basics ODB...
  10. mrg9999

    V2L cable not working on MG ZS EV (merged)

    I gave the dealer a detailed list of must have and wants. That's why in June 2023 I went for a late 2022 Trophy model with V2L, LR battery, run roof etc. I still had to get mine modified (see above) which the dealer did quickly without issue.
  11. mrg9999

    New Map 23Q4: Unable to install MD5 verification failure[Solved]

    Is there a changelog for these versions? I'm in England What do I get for updating?
  12. mrg9999

    How do I demonstrate dealer service history to a prospective buyer?

    [SOLVED] I had my car first serviced recently quite cheaply (£64). I wanted to check the MG AA cover had renewed so I rang the AA number (0800-072-3388)They said my car is covered until 1st January 2026 and because it was electric and all MG EV are covered for 3 years regardless of service...
  13. mrg9999

    How do I demonstrate dealer service history to a prospective buyer?

    I love the car, it's only a year old and I have no plans to sell it. Say I was thinking of selling / part Ex. Other than invoices from main dealer or independents how do I show that I have had it serviced by an MG service agent? How do I verify continuation of AA roadside cover? Is there such...
  14. mrg9999

    New Map 23Q4: Unable to install MD5 verification failure[Solved]

    If I download and test with 7zip it passes the zip verification
  15. mrg9999

    New Map 23Q4: Unable to install MD5 verification failure[Solved]

    There maybe a niche case of MD5 collision.
  16. mrg9999

    First Service - A Tales of lies

    MG ZS EV 2022 model MK2 LR first service - A tale of lies etc. Booked car service in April 2024 and agreed date was 14th June 2024 and cost for first service was £64 and if I brought it in at 08:15 it would be ready at 11:00. June 14th comes around, bring it in. Lady says price is £129. They...
  17. mrg9999

    New Map 23Q4: Unable to install MD5 verification failure[Solved]

    Where did you download this from? Can you provide a link?
  18. mrg9999

    Tesla Hub charging - previously had problems, today worked perfectly

    I'm going to try some more places. A chap in a KIA was charged 50p per kWh
  19. mrg9999

    Tesla Hub charging - previously had problems, today worked perfectly

    MG ZS EV Trophy Connect 2022 purchased 2023. Tesla Hub charging After varying success using Tesla chargers I tried again today and it worked faultlessly from 40% to 75%
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