It is not permanent and it drops down to between 14.1 and 14.3 volts. This is the display voltage reading BTW so again don't know what error it has and perhaps more importantly what the corresponding current is.
The problem with the battery voltage is that the DC-DC voltage was never high...
Just finished: There are now 4 FAQs summarising this stuff. This should stop people having to go through 933 posts...
FAQ 4 Etiquette when charging an MG5 at a Tesla Supercharger
There are some limitations when charging your MG5 at a Tesla Supercharger.
Remember you are not a Tesla!
Yes I know that but it is easy to forget that the MG5 charging port is in a different location. While the later V4...
FAQ 3 - How to get a charge at a Tesla Supercharger
Can I charge at any Tesla charger?
No is the short answer. Tesla provide two types of chargers: DC rapid and AC fast.
Let's get the lesser known one out of the way first: AC chargers use the car's onboard charger and are like OHME, Zappi and...
FAQ 2 - What upgrades does my MG5 need to use a Tesla charger?
What is the current situation?
This is the MG buelltin posted by Miles Roberts describing the EVCC upgrade. I found it worth while having this with me to show dealers who may not be aware of it.
Note that the EVCC part numbers...
MG5 Supercharger problems: Index and FAQ 1 - Timeline of events
See also these other Supercharger FAQs:
The MG position has not changed but the dealer did not charge me. I would not interpret this as a precedent as I am documenting stuff for them so there is a bit of give and take- mutual benefit for all. I suspect that if the car is in for other work, they would be more amenable. However bear...
The car was in for the SC052 CCU software recall - something that the previous dealer failed to notice or even do! It appears that this is quite old and is supposed to help cars that have charging issues. Still doing some research on the details. On its own it does not appear to solve the...
I doubt it because unless your SR has had an EVCC unit hardware upgrade, the software fix won't load. I think that Tesla ref is for the navigation software to find Tesla or any other network chargers.
Someone suggested the other day to start another thread as these upgrade threads are getting long and unwieldy.
Thinking it might be a good idea to create and pin a FAQ type post with all the information documents etc we have amassed over the last few weeks so that there is a definitive (as...
I asked for some more information and the OP replied that considering the replies he had got, he is going with a Zappi instead.
The mains pins are isolated at both ends when the car is plugged in. They are only connected at the completion of the EVSE negotiation. The pins should be completely...
I think that was the Williams systems. They developed it but never fitted it to their F1 cars and used an electrical system like the other F1 teams. The design was sold for other uses though. Other F1 teams used electric motors and batteries. KERS is a pretty good name and it does mean we can...
Quite normal for cars to have a brake pressure reducer feeding the rear brakes to prevent the rear brakes from locking up before the fronts. This reduces the amount of pressure and wear on the pads so they tend to last longer.
Made worse on a Lexus Hybrid as they have rear wheel electric motor...
I stay in kers 2 as I like that amount of regen. The throttle does affect the regen as I can have a little bit and the current drain/charge stays around the zero level. i.e. practically coasting. A little lift to coast, big lift to regen brake.
Brake pedal pressure also affects the amount of...
The problem is that the post I saw was vague and without the exact conditions difficult to reproduce. Given that andyMG4 was saying that charging was a bit unreliable, I thought it was important to pass on what had been said just in case. The last thing I wanted was to ignore it and find that...
It came up on UK EV owners face book group. Reported by an Ion-Tech owner. It is closed so I have copied the post:
This is very strange as while it appears on the Octopus list, it is declared as ineligible.
I assume that this is the reply from Octopus.
All of the replies including from a...
Tried that and nothing happened. Car said I'm still charging. Plug unlocked though.... I also wonder as your car has the latest EVCC Tesla upgrade which controls all this whether the upgrade also changes this behaviour? Like Verdigris, time for an experiment.
Apparently Octopus Energy have just reported that these chargers as "not legal as the ac lines in the cable remain live" - presumably when the AC should be disconnected.
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