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  1. R

    Dashcam recommendations?

    I just bought yesterday and fitted a NextBase 122, 89 euro non of the fancy stuff with it, just a bump 'G' sensor that will record off the internal battery if car is bumped. Works off the mirror USB connection and a choice of mounting with sucker mount or 3m tape mount. Trying out the sucker...
  2. R

    MG compatibility with Android Auto

    Download Mapy from the playstore is the app, it's free with offline maps and no advertising live traffic if you have an internet connection. Works fine with AA and Carplay. - cycling & hiking offline maps - Android Apps on Google Play Failing that get yourself an apple device...
  3. R

    MG compatibility with Android Auto

    Who are telling you this, is it Waze? or Android.
  4. R

    MG compatibility with Android Auto

    AA and Apple Car Play work fine on my Gen2, maybe it's Waze that is the problem and I can't tell you because I don't use Waze.
  5. R

    CCS charging problems since software update

    Most chargers require you to authorise first with the app or card, then connect the charger to the car. However there is the odd one that requires you to connect the car first then authorise with the card or app, best to read the instructions on the charger to see the procedure needed to start...
  6. R

    Sat nav on MG

    Dead reckoning is used to estimate your position when the GPS signal is unavailable or too weak, such as when driving through tunnels etc. It will estimate your position using your speed and direction. Dead reckoning works fine on my ZS 2022 model.
  7. R

    Sat nav on MG

    My 2022 ZS SatNav works fine with dead reckoning on.
  8. R

    Safety software issue

    It was just a test to see if I could move the car with the door not properly closed. Flat ground Seatbelt on MK2. Handbrake would not release.
  9. R

    Safety software issue

    Tried this morning. Door on latch only, selector in drive, handbrake will not release, warning on dash to close door.
  10. R

    Charging Apps

    Shell Recharge will take it from your bank account.
  11. R

    Infotainment does not shut down

    Yes this is normal.
  12. R

    Where did the towbar go?

    I had my towbar fitted last month, the original towbar from MG at the dealers, its just for transporting bikes so no problem with the weight restrictions. Was expensive but at least it doesn't affect the warranty.
  13. R

    Battery - how low have you gone?

    28 Kilometres remaining range while stuck in a traffic jam on the Autobahn, no exits for the next 20 Kilometres. Crawled past a No Entry service exit and pulled off. There was a fast charger 500 meters from the service exit with a restaurant. Had a lovely meal and 90% charge.
  14. R

    Speed Limiter Changes

    There is a speed limiter, from the Owners Manual Page 228:- Intelligent speed limit: The vehicle detects a speed limit sign (as shown above) at the roadside with the front view camera. The speed limit sign identified will be displayed in the instrument pack. The system will automatically...
  15. R

    Boot not locking on my zs ev trophy

    If your key fob is in range of the car the boot will open without unlocking.
  16. R

    Towballs and their prices.....

    How do you know if it's working if you haven't tried to see if it works?
  17. R

    Safety software issue

    The Neutral setting is used for when you want to put your car through an automatic car wash, push it off the road if your battery runs out, pull it onto a recovery trailer and many other things where the handbrake needs to be released so the car can roll.
  18. R

    Home charging -- am I being ripped off?

    It's private property, they can charge what they like. Don't use them i am sure there will be lots of other places you can charge. Does anyone else use them? If so sell them your tokens.
  19. R

    Charging stations working or not

    If you have an Apple phone or tablet you could try the Pumpapp. The basic version is free. It has live data and a route planner. You can tell it what charge you want to start with and remaining charge before you want to stop to recharge, who your preferred providers are. It also has a setting...
  20. R

    [VIDEO] What is Dual Charging & how do you use it on the GRIDSERVE Electric Highway?

    Is this for real? I have yet to see a charger with only one CCS connector here in Germany. Even the 22Kw charging posts can charge 2 cars at the same time.:rolleyes:
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