An update on how the bumper sticker came about.
Mr Schneider from a town called Pforzheim near Stuttgart in Germany created the sticker for his own car and now gets 100 - 120 orders today according to the Spiegel magazine...
Yes servers in China are a major problem. My car went in on Tuesday morning to resolve an issue with the car not turning off the rear reversing sensors when the towbar is in use, (Mg towbar fitted by my MG dealer). They say they are waiting for information from China (Software connection?) They...
To get to review a car from the manufacturers you have to give a reasonably good review, otherwise you will never get a car to review, no cars no You-tube income.
It's affecting Tesla over here too. EU law says all public charging points 'must' have a screen to show the price/kWh, the kWh delivered, as well as allowing a payment by 'card' system. Just drove past our local Tesla version 2 supercharger point (12 stations) yesterday, and they are all being...
'Plug in Hybrid'. Guy on our street has a Ford Plug in Hybrid (he lives on the side of the street where you can park). He never charges it (I asked him) and bought it because it was heavily discounted by the Ford dealer and was eligible for the government rebate scheme. I don't think I have...
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