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  1. R

    Which ODBII dongle for ABRP?

    Two that work:- vLinker MC+ Mini Bluetooth OBD II Lelink^2 BLE OBD-II OBD2 Tested here on youtube
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    The meaning of the icon in the picture

    Lock or unlock the charging cable.
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    Get Your Bumper Sticker

    An update on how the bumper sticker came about. Mr Schneider from a town called Pforzheim near Stuttgart in Germany created the sticker for his own car and now gets 100 - 120 orders today according to the Spiegel magazine...
  4. R

    Get Your Bumper Sticker

    Nice. only 7,50.
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    Tesla deposits refund problem

    Maybe he will shoot the broken ones, (All of them according to the latest articles) off into orbit and make mars landers out of them.
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    Special Tyres For EV´S Yes or No?

    Interesting video on tyre comparisons for EV´S From the same guy. Funny.
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    Tesla deposits refund problem

    Why anyone would consider making that weirdo richer by buying a Tesla astounds me.
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    If your charging screen looks like this and you can move the slider to 80% the you have a long range.
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    Another run away ZS EV?!

    Getting out of your car without hitting the stop button is not recommended, and the car will warn you if you do that.
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    Man Sells MG ZS Because Of Charging At Home Restrictions

    Unless the lampposts are right at the curb then you have the same problem with a cable running over the footpath.
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    Poor service via China

    Yes servers in China are a major problem. My car went in on Tuesday morning to resolve an issue with the car not turning off the rear reversing sensors when the towbar is in use, (Mg towbar fitted by my MG dealer). They say they are waiting for information from China (Software connection?) They...
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    Service 2nd year

    MG say brake fluid change 40,000 km or 2 years also passenger cabin ac filter.
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    Man Sells MG ZS Because Of Charging At Home Restrictions

    From the BBC
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    Warranty Claims - what have you needed doing?

    Nothing. Software update on Wednesday for Reversing sensors when towbar fitted. (sensors don't turn off).
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    Alpine A290.

    To get to review a car from the manufacturers you have to give a reasonably good review, otherwise you will never get a car to review, no cars no You-tube income.
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    Reducing non-Tesla access to the Supercharger network

    I also unsubscribed from Dave Takes It On, banging on about Tesla all the time made me crazy and his voice always makes me cringe.
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    Reducing non-Tesla access to the Supercharger network

    It's affecting Tesla over here too. EU law says all public charging points 'must' have a screen to show the price/kWh, the kWh delivered, as well as allowing a payment by 'card' system. Just drove past our local Tesla version 2 supercharger point (12 stations) yesterday, and they are all being...
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    MG ZS EV - 2024 - Map updates

    Glad it worked for you.(y)(y)(y)
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    I've been replacing my tyres all wrong

    New tyres should go on the drive wheels, those will be the most worn anyway.
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    Petrol v Electric cars. ??

    'Plug in Hybrid'. Guy on our street has a Ford Plug in Hybrid (he lives on the side of the street where you can park). He never charges it (I asked him) and bought it because it was heavily discounted by the Ford dealer and was eligible for the government rebate scheme. I don't think I have...
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