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  1. kevin ellard

    MG5 Tesla Supercharger problems: FAQ 1 - Timeline of events

    That status is about 18 months out of date. And they never blocked specific models, it's just the the mg4 was the only model that didn't have the charging bug. Once the bug is fixed by the update the open Tesla chargers work just fine.
  2. kevin ellard

    FL Trophy - Radio stopped working.

    Don't leave it too long. My experience is that the radio fault is silently discharging the 12v battery.
  3. kevin ellard

    Impact of KERS on tyre wear

    The KERS setting doesn't make a difference to the amount of KERS used. On KERS 2 the car still uses KERS when you press the brake pedal, it doesn't start using the brake pads until you request more brakes than KERS can provide.
  4. kevin ellard

    Door Mirrors

    My trophy has the controls in the drivers door and you press L and R together to fold the mirrors in. Are you sure the SE has foldable mirrors?
  5. kevin ellard

    MG 5 Battery Pre Heat ?

    It doesn't have it on the app and although there is a battery heating option in the car settings, people say it only does anything when the car is below 10degrees and it seems to be designed for use before charging.
  6. kevin ellard

    Smart key not detected -solution

    Thanks, useful piece of information. I hope I don't need to use it.
  7. kevin ellard

    Using App with MG5

    Where did you get the Home Assistant MG software? Is is easy to set up? Can you use that when you are away from home? I quite like the app for monitoring charges when I am on a long journey.
  8. kevin ellard

    Carplay connection with Iphone

    I use the other usb port if I need to charge. Seems odd to use wireless and then plug it it too but its reliable.
  9. kevin ellard

    Using App with MG5

    Agreed that the app isn't very good but considering the way it has to work, I'm OK with it. It has no way to contact the car. It contacts a server ( somewhere in Switzerland/Germany?) and the server tries to get in touch with the car via a low bandwith mobile connection. I'm sort of amazed that...
  10. kevin ellard

    Carplay connection with Iphone

    I think that my now most of us that use android auto have bought a wireless adapter. They seem much more reliable than a cable connection and don't cost much from ebay/aliexpress.
  11. kevin ellard

    Infotainment - red battery

    Seconded. Mine had a peculiar radio fault that didn't really bother me as I listen via Android Auto but after a while I started seeing 12V battery warnings. I think the radio fault was slowly draining the 12V when the car was turned off. Took it to the dealer who just did a reset by...
  12. kevin ellard

    MG5 Tesla Supercharger problems: FAQ 1 - Timeline of events

    I really doubt that Tesla are going to replace any V2 or V3 chargers with V4's. There is no incentive for them to do that rather than install new V4s somewhere else.
  13. kevin ellard

    MG Assist / AA app

    Does anyone know if you can use the AA cover from MG assist through the AA app? I've let my personal AA membership expire now and am wondering how I get to see the details of the MG cover.
  14. kevin ellard

    Impact of KERS on tyre wear

    I paid the full £34,000 for my MG5 almost 2 years ago. I can afford new brake light bulbs if they blow. Has anyone had to replace a brake light bulb on an MG5 yet? Fortunately I don't have to use the clutch anymore. When I'm in stop start traffic I generally let the car take care of the...
  15. kevin ellard

    Just joined the clan... ;)

    Are you going to run it that close to the ground? Around here that would be very expensive when the speed bumps make contact with the traction battery. It does look nice though.
  16. kevin ellard

    MG5 Tesla Supercharger problems: FAQ 1 - Timeline of events

    I'm fairly sure that it won't give you V2L. V2L needs hardware the none of the pre-FL had. I would also wait a while before getting anything like this done. There seems a fair likelyhood that the new regulations about chargers having to have card reader may mean that Tesla just close all of...
  17. kevin ellard

    Impact of KERS on tyre wear

    I wouldn't dream of using the handbrake in my MG5. It comes on on its own when I turn the car off but apart from that I don't touch it.
  18. kevin ellard

    Cables that came with MG5

    I should have used the phrase "sub-optimal". I actually used my 3 phase cable the other day at the York park and ride. I was pleasantly surprised to get close to 11kW.
  19. kevin ellard

    Cables that came with MG5

    Mine only came with the granny charger and from what I hear the type 2 cable that MG sell is the wrong cable for the FL. (It works but can't get 11kW.)
  20. kevin ellard

    Mode switch not working

    I think that is a trip to the dealers. Others have reported the KERS switch failing in one direction and I imagine the switches are identical.
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