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  1. Surfdog

    Max Speed for Full Stop AEB

    AEB is obviously discussed a lot on here but does anyone know the maximum speed that will initiate a sudden full stop. By that I mean the brakes will be locked and the wheels will not turn. For me this usually only happens at low speeds. I have posted footage of one of my AEB incidents on...
  2. Surfdog


    Ive got into the habit of occasionally turning the regen down to 1 and causing the brake pads to engage with discs just to keep them from rusting up.
  3. Surfdog

    MG4 lane keep still an issue?

    Be aware that if you book a test drive the car you drive may well have old software where LKA/ELK is permanently turned off so as not to put off prospective customers. It was outdated software on my test drive car, all be that was some time ago, however I recently had a courtesy MG4 that had...
  4. Surfdog

    Is there a way to read battery state in kWh?

    EV charging is like filling an ICE car up with 50 litres of fuel but only 45 litres reaches the tank with 5 litres leaking out the hose and going down the drain. You've paid for that 5 litres but are never going to see the benefit from it.
  5. Surfdog

    Sudden braking when another car was approaching

    Yes and I posted dash cam footage of it on another thread here. Emergency stop in normal driving conditions with nothing untoward. I sent footage to MG UK who told me it was quite normal and my car was reacting to an oncoming car in the opposing lane, even though the car was being driven safely...
  6. Surfdog

    Climate control screen appearing when I first start the car

    One mans meat.......I love the climate control screen and often keep it on for whole journey especially if atmospheric changes are expected. Before this screen i had to either stop the car to make changes to HVAC or risk crashing car by fiddling about with the infotainment screen, distracting...
  7. Surfdog

    Sudden automatic braking issue (merged, MG4)

    Yea, i wasn't aware we could turn the sensitivity of this down. I can only assume that by moving the left steeeing wheel joy stick to the left does this for emergency braking. I thought this was only effective for ACC when adjusting the reaction distance from the vehicle in front.
  8. Surfdog

    Sudden automatic braking issue (merged, MG4)

    A couple of months ago I posted on this thread dashcam footage of my sudden emergency stop for no apparent reason. Its still up if you haven't seen it. I took the car back to the dealer who could find no issue. I subsequently sent the footage to MG UK. Here is their reply. "Thank you for your...
  9. Surfdog

    Interesting/worrying story from Scotland - ZS with no brakes.

    Please can you publish the report here and put and end, once and for all, to all the cynical comments.
  10. Surfdog

    Interesting/worrying story from Scotland - ZS with no brakes.

    My wife doesn't drive the MG4 as she cant get used to the new driving techniques and detests the driver aids. I used to encourage her but no longer do so after the last incident 6 months ago. She stopped at a set of temp traffic lights, (first in queue), and correctly engaged hill hold and then...
  11. Surfdog

    Wind Deflectors

    I managed to source a full set of Hekos from ebay for 46 quid including postage and then received 8 off due to late delivery so only cost 38. I'm well impressed with them. They clip into window frame so no need to worry about sticky tape. Installation takes minutes, about as quick as you can...
  12. Surfdog

    Left star button problem

    Yea, I've posted screenshots on software update thread.
  13. Surfdog

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    It still stays there which is personally how I like it as its easy to adjust to changing conditions. The only time I don't have it on screen is when I'm navigating and have maps up.
  14. Surfdog

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    For everyone asking about R59 navigation here are screenshot. Not something I use so can't comment on it.
  15. Surfdog

    Battery Drain

    There's an extensive thread on here about dash cam install along with a couple of excellent YouTube videos. As long as the dash cam is connected to the correct fuse (can't remember off top of head what one), then the camera will not draw any current when car is not in ready mode, ie not on.
  16. Surfdog

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Found it, thank you. It's not obvious there is a swipe menu on the top left. You have to swipe down from an empty space. An AEB button would have been good though as that is a major problem for me.
  17. Surfdog

    Left star button problem

    So just got my car back after 3 weeks with hire car at expense of MG. Infotainment unit was returned to MG who were unable to fix the issue with left star button after R46 upgrade. So a new infotainment unit was supplied and fitted which I was told costs £1k. So it may be the case that an R59...
  18. Surfdog

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Please post instructions how to do this. I'm obviously missing something obvious.
  19. Surfdog

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I never used MG Navigation as I always successfully used Android Auto, but now that doesn't work so can't comment on that I'm afraid. Ok, cancel the R59 Bluetooth ans Android Auto issue. It mysteriously started working after I left the car for 5 and then returned and tried again. All good.
  20. Surfdog

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    OK, not so good news. Previously I had no issues with Bluetooth and Android Auto. Now on R59 neither of them work and phone and car fails to connect after over an hour trying various methods. Looks like its yet another return to dealer. Anyone else on R59 with same issue?
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