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  1. Surfdog

    Intelligent Octopus Go works like a dream.

    Took them 3 .months to send me my first bill and was worried due to all the off peak charging I was getting. No problem when bill was finally issued. As long as app says smart charging you are good.
  2. Surfdog

    Blind Spot Detection Fail

    Sensor appears to be mounted behind rear bumper as per mg4mc and is not obvious from outside. Check image I found in service repair manual. I removed the small cover for emergency fuel flap release and could just see corner if what appears to be the sensor unit. Looks like to access it the...
  3. Surfdog

    Blind Spot Detection Fail

    My blind spot detection system has recently stopped working on my nearside mirror. Offside still works. The orange light no longer comes on when a vehicle is in blind spot. Can't see any more threads on this system. I believe they may only be a Trophy feature. Anyone else had issues with this...
  4. Surfdog

    Battery equalisation

    Glad you have came to the same conclusion as myself. A lot of owners think that by charging to 100%, a balance charge is automatically undertaken, which it is not. This issue has been discussed on IOG facebook forum and there does not appear to be a solution. As I previously said, my Ohme...
  5. Surfdog

    Battery equalisation

    Tried it last night and still didn't trickle charge. I always add an extra percent onto charge request. Has never trickled charged since going into IOG but did prior to this.
  6. Surfdog

    Battery equalisation

    I've got an Ohme charger and I used it for four months prior to going onto Intelligent Octopus Go tariff. During these months battery would equalise once charge reached 100%. Basically it would carry on trickle charging for a couple of hours at about 0.1kw or so. Since going onto IOG in July...
  7. Surfdog

    Help with My Lane Keep Assist Solution

    In my experience lka is at its absolute worst when there are tyre tracks on a frost covered road.
  8. Surfdog

    Slow charging at public charging station

    I've had this a few time on public chargers where it only pulls 2 to 3 kW when I I should be getting at least 7.4. That's if they work at all! Try other chargers to see if problem persists.
  9. Surfdog

    Low Speed charging rate variable

    If you are on an Octopus tariff then I presume you are using an Ohme charger. Then power fluctuations are quite normal during smart charging. The amount of power supplied through the charger will vary depending on amount of electricity available on the grid. For past 2 months all my charging...
  10. Surfdog

    Lane Assist Trying To Kill Me!

    Towing mode certainly doesn't cancel lka permanently on my Trophy. While towing mode stays on until turned off, lka resets to on at each journey.
  11. Surfdog

    Ohme not charging MG properly.

    I take it you mean that when Ohme works out a charge schedule, which say for example is over 12 hours with three periods of smart charging, the car will charge for the first period but will not charge for the remaining two periods. Not too sure what you mean. Ohme app at first glance doesn't...
  12. Surfdog

    Frustrating faults: MG4 SR

    Looks like you've been sold a lemon.
  13. Surfdog

    ohme app and mg4 charging schedule

    At first glance the Ohme app looks quite poor but very easy after you get used to it. Forget about charging scheduled on your car. Just set the charging limit to either 80 of 100%. On Ohme app make sure max charging is unchecked otherwise it could charge at full price. Also uncheck the only...
  14. Surfdog

    Interesting/worrying story from Scotland - ZS with no brakes.

    Yet another non specific story that the gullible will swallow en masse. Note the common theme of playing the mental health card (£$€£$€!!!). No doubt a mechanic will prove the brake hydraulics are in order and fully operational leaving the only other option, as you stated of a "senior moment".
  15. Surfdog

    Home charger advice please

    Just plug car in and Octopus work out a smart schedule for charging and show you the schedule on Ohme app. If the grid is loaded they will charge off peak during the day and your domestic electricity will also be at off peak rate. Was scared when it first started doing this as I was worried I...
  16. Surfdog

    Home charger advice please

    Ohme. I chose it 10 months ago as it was only one of 2 chargers at time that had an in built sim card as my domestic WiFi could not reach my garage where it was to be installed. 6 months later I changed energy supplier to Octopus who integrate with Ohme perfectly to give me off peak rates not...
  17. Surfdog

    Anything good on AliExpress?

    Plastic boot liner. Has MULAN on it but a necessity for me.
  18. Surfdog

    MG4 Windows dropping?

    I do this accidentally quite often. Very sensitive buttons. Returned to car park one day and passenger window was fully down but I'm pretty sure it was my fault and not cars. Due to this I have got into habit of always checking windows are up when I lock car.
  19. Surfdog

    BCM update (recall) Check on above link to see if any recalls due.
  20. Surfdog

    Interesting/worrying story from Scotland - ZS with no brakes.

    Well if I were his lawyer I would be advising him to say nothing for fear of incrimination. I don't think we're ever going to get any answers. Got to say though, if it was myself in his position I would be fully engaging with this forum in order to get to the bottom of the alleged fault/faults.
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