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  1. Surfdog

    Interesting/worrying story from Scotland - ZS with no brakes.

    I would bet the journalist composed his story after reading this thread.
  2. Surfdog

    MG4 Trophy + Ohme Home Pro + Intelligent Octopus

    For the past couple of weeks my Ohme on I.O. has been charging my car outwith off peak hours which it only occasionally did in past. The app still says "Smart Charging". Maybe it due to surplus energy in grid, being windy now were in Autumn. My Ohme app initially quoted me full price rates for...
  3. Surfdog

    Interesting/worrying story from Scotland - ZS with no brakes.

    You're right. The avatar for @MGZS is not the same guy who features in the news articles and on his Facebook profile. So @MGZS is probably fake or maybe the real guy using another individuals picture. This gets more intriguing by the hour.
  4. Surfdog

    Interesting/worrying story from Scotland - ZS with no brakes.

    And just like the BBC the it looks like the mental health card has been played to avoid answering any questions or giving further explanation.
  5. Surfdog

    Interesting/worrying story from Scotland - ZS with no brakes.

    Wow. I've never tested this function but the sales person assured me it would only travel a few hundred yards. So very stealable then if the thief has a a garage to conceal in within 15 miles. Not good.
  6. Surfdog

    Interesting/worrying story from Scotland - ZS with no brakes.

    No disrespect to the guy who seems to have suffered as a result of this however having just watched his video recalling the incident I have a few issues that I would like clarifying. 1) If I found myself in a runaway car at 15mph, the last person I would be calling would be my wife/partner...
  7. Surfdog

    LKA permanently off button

    Just tried Towing Mode on my Trophy. Once up to speed lka activated and a few seconds later steered me towards pavement. So no change for me unfortunately.
  8. Surfdog

    LKA Lane Keep Assist - is MG Listening?

    Do you have this on dashcam? If so we need to start posting this sort of footage on YouTube in order for MG to take notice. I've looked at some of my footage but it is not really dramatic enough to convey just how dangerous it is. I have already written to MG UK and told them it is only a matter...
  9. Surfdog

    Merged thread: Automatic Emergency Braking activating for no reason

    All the time. Its been well discussed on previous posts. A couple of months ago my Trophy went in for lka update and I also complained about unwanted emergency stops. Don't know what they did but since then I haven't had any and on a few occasions I get warning beeps if a car in front is too...
  10. Surfdog

    Any disadvantages using auto mode on the heating?

    Tried auto once and it started to rain. I was on motorway at time. Windscreen started to steam up. Tried to adjust settings while driving but far to dangerous messing about with touch screen and had to pull off road, cancel auto and set a manual setting to keep windscreen clear. Never used it...
  11. Surfdog

    LKA Lane Keep Assist - is MG Listening?

    I personally don't think the Trophy lka update is that great. Over the summer on dry roads of a uniform grey shade is wasn't as bad. Now, half way through September, with the roads wet / damp most of the time combined with low light, all sorts of defects, repairs being more prominent to the...
  12. Surfdog

    LKA Lane Keep Assist - is MG Listening?

    Last week I did a 180 mile round trip on mainly B class Scottish rural roads. I left it on and was ok for a while but then started activating every few seconds so had to stop and turn off. Still get the aggressive tugs even after update but not as often. Anyway, on way home I forgot to turn it...
  13. Surfdog

    Wind Deflectors

    I've been waiting for someone to post on the result of fitting wind deflectors for a while. Last I looked, the Ali Express one's didn't look that great hence why I've not committed to them. Must say the MG4 could do with them as its rather noisy with windows open and the wind quickly starts to...
  14. Surfdog

    12v Battery Charging

    When you took the snapshot above showing 14.7v I believe the smart charging would be activate and charging up your 12v battery. Once smart charging stops it should fall back down to something like 12.7v. I have never seen this voltage on app except when main battery charging is taking place. It...
  15. Surfdog

    1st 100% charge.

    Once my LR reaches 100% it will carry on charging for a couple of hours but at a very low level while carrying out a balance charge. A small fraction of a Kwh. If I charge my car to say 80%, it will still carry on charging at high rate for a few minutes after reaching 80%. Maybe it reaches 79.5%...
  16. Surfdog

    Misting up

    If you have had cooling on then the windscreen will be cold so when it starts raining and the humidity of the air entering the car increases then the moisture in the air will condense on inside of windscreen. For this reason I never use automatic setting and have only used cooling a couple of...
  17. Surfdog

    Misting up

    In previous cars I would just turn fan dial and increase air flow over the windscreen. The problem with the MG4 is you have to enter the A/C screen and start fiddling about with the settings which is dangerous to do while driving and i have had to stop at roadside in past to so. Now I have...
  18. Surfdog

    Dead car

    Surely it's a failure in the intelligent charging system if the 12v battery drains. This has been much discussed. Thankfully it works perfectly on my car but it appears not to kick in on some cars. In theory, no matter how poor the 12v battery is the HV battery should keep it topped up. On mine...
  19. Surfdog

    Android auto not working well

    So in 5 months I have had no major problems with AA which works as it should and I use Google assistant voice commands for navigation and media instructions. So the wife decided she would now start driving the car after the lka software was updated to make it less lethal. Her phone is a new...
  20. Surfdog

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Agree. It depends on what sort of journey you do. Recently did a 120 mile motorway journey and got zero regen showing up but usually would get some shown for a trip on say B class roads where I am lifting foot off accelerator a lot to slow car.
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