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  1. M

    Scheduled charging stops early

    How does that work. My PP is restricted to EDF hours 0100-0600hr. I use the App but have to set it each night. Being able to just plug in would be better.
  2. M

    Wireless CarPlay Adapter connectivity

    I couldn't get a Chinese one to work without plugging in but if you unlock the car manually rather than touch the handle it is ready to go. Worth a try. :)
  3. M

    What mobile OS do you use?

    Had a motorhome Garmin and it routed me to a 6'6" wide bridge crossing. It also tried to make me undertake a 290 degree turn, looking at the screen you could see it was done to save about 50 yards. TomTom - had a camper version which failed after 18 months and they had discontinued so offered a...
  4. M

    TESCOS Insurance

    I am sure it is to do with registering cars. Insurance had to be in place to register the car and it is no longer needed for registration.
  5. M

    Dashcam install

    The fuse is abnormal but having taken the door surround rubber strip off, the A pillar cover off with a door trim removal tool then the same with the fuse box cover plus a couple of screws. It was not difficult but pedantic and all went back together easily as well.
  6. M

    Dash Cam dront/rear selection -

    Hi there What Dash Cam is the favoured model? I guess front and back/ min HD/ and unintrusive. Circa £100 UK Amazon preferred. Recommendations awaited.
  7. M

    MG4 Charging Cable

    Mine came with both Aug 23. Think that is now standard.
  8. M

    My Ownership Log: MG4 Trophy

    No but I have that through the Nationwide as I have another car and 7.5m 4 ton motorhome. I am covered in the UK and most of Europe for roadside, home and recovery for any vehicle my wife and I are in and anyone driving our vehicles which do not need to be registered. Extra AA cover not...
  9. M

    BP pulse……

    Nottingham is exactly the same. I had to take a fully charged car 60 miles to a customer and had to arrive with 70% (180 mile Audi so down to 50%). Arrived there at 0700hr Saturday morning having perused the BP stations the night before (company contracted to BP for fuel) and pleasantly...
  10. M

    My Ownership Log: MG4 Trophy

    The MG4 is going to cost more than my 3L BMW Main Dealer service over 5 years. The MG offer for servicing has a charge and is very heavily loaded on the front end.
  11. M

    MG Hub Home Charger

    In the UK as I understand it there appear to be 3 main ways of charging and appropriate chargers: 1. Some have solar panels and home batteries (or parts thereof) where they are feeding in and out of the grid so have a whole efficient set up (cheaper, flexible etc). 2, Ohme (charger) and Octopus...
  12. M

    MG4 some basic (I hope!) questions....

    EDF rate is 8p from 0100 to 0600 if you can move. EDF and MG recommended.
  13. M

    Brake 'spongyness' varies in Eco / normal / sport

    How often do people brake? If in a city I would go one foot (although highly effective if pushing on country roads) but normally use the regen. I think I am more likely to have the brakes rust than wear out. Used to use the gear flippers in my previous auto car.
  14. M

    Left shortcut button forgetful

    Standard computer speak: 'The exact origin of the phrase "It's not a bug, it's a feature" is not clear, but it has been used in the software development industry since at least the 1980s. One of the earliest documented instances of the phrase being used in print was in a 1989 issue of the...
  15. M

    Motorway driving settings - including Tesla charging over 80%

    I remember 40 years ago thinking it was absurd to have the A1 go through Princes Street. I do not have the pleasure of travelling the A720 often but there is a blockage more times than there isn't :)
  16. M

    Motorway driving settings - including Tesla charging over 80%

    Well back home again: Wetherby - 130 miles arrived with 30+%. Having used many a charger this must be the easiest - just plug in, use your touchless phone or card and it fired off 130 + - really impressed by the time we had walked the dog, abluted and talked to the next car. Checked and it was...
  17. M

    Motorway driving settings - including Tesla charging over 80%

    Off to Scotland tomorrow so first time 'commercial' charging for our Trophy. First question is do I just press Economy on as many buttons as possible (weather not too hot or cold and no planned heavy breathing activities with the wife) or any other tips for motorway driving? Plan to sit at 70...
  18. M

    Home charging point

    Good, thanks for confirming, not how the manual reads but we're both still alive to tell the tale :) so all good :)
  19. M

    Home charging point

    Quick question as PP have not responded. I have set up night time only charging. In my manual it states the default colour of the light should be a blue while mine is green during the day and blue between 1 and 0600hr. Never really looked at 0100hr the one time I have charged so far :). DOes...
  20. M

    Auto locking when walking away?

    You just touch the button on the door. Same to open if key within 1.5m
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