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  1. M


    I used to deliver EVs for a living (part time) until a couple of years ago when McD's tended not to ahve chargers. Have a mate that still does deliveries (delivered with 70% charge). I just thought he was a fat bee as he is forever in McD's. He would not be if the chargers did not work.
  2. M

    Home charging point

    Installed with tariff input and restricted to only charge during off peak, I will have to be up at 1 to see what happens. Bit like Christmas. Will be interesting to see how the MG reacts and whether charging stops at 80. Jingle Bells - according to the app the car is charging. Went out at 0102...
  3. M

    Home charging point

    There is a lock you can buy from them (£38.99) and obviously you would not advertise the charger on their map. Not too bothered as in a small cul-de-sac and everyone knows who is who and a number of (other) pensioners about. Will be looking to lock the system out during times it is not on cheap...
  4. M

    Android AI box - seamless connection - Hotpspot on

    Bit more playing about and managed to have both the AI box and the car set to the wrong time. Will think a bit more.
  5. M

    Android AI box - seamless connection - Hotpspot on

    Yes a Trophy. It resets when you lock the car. Switch my own hotspot on or reconfig if going long distance or abroad by the looks of things
  6. M

    Android AI box - seamless connection - Hotpspot on

    OK got my AI box and trying to work out the easiest connection using the car hotspot. My phone looks for the hotspot as does the AI box, however the hotspot resets to off each time. Any bright ideas to get round this or do folk just use their own data or am I missing something.
  7. M

    Home charging point

    Deed done, Pod Point are recommended by MG, EDF and number one on a Which list. THey are coming tomorrow :)
  8. M

    Home charging point

    No plans for house solar as house is at awkward angle. Mileage is probably around 8ishK but got son at home who does about 40 miles a day if I am not here and we are away on holiday for 3 months of the year in our motorhome. Happy with EDF - just want to charge to 80% in 5 hours without plugging...
  9. M

    Home charging point

    I am with EDF. First thread I found said - check out the other threads - many dating back some time:) Avoid BP appears to be the only advice.
  10. M

    Home charging point

    Going to install a home charger and requested some quotes. Any recommendations for ease of use particularly with a 4 and support. Any point in buying anything smarter than what the App and car offer?
  11. M

    (quite) long trip this weekend - any advice/guidance?

    Used to drive cars about and tied to BP. In the vicinity 150ish miles up the road from Cambs are 2 villages with 50 chargers. Bedale which is 2 or 3 miles off the A1 and has a nice coffee shop 30 yards further into town along with other country shops. Boroughbridge about 2 miles from the road...
  12. M

    Unresponsive car

    It is just abnormal - right hand for indicators and picking nose.
  13. M

    Unresponsive car

    Driving instructors these days teach the law which states that when at traffic lights the brakes should be applied. My son was taught to apply the brakes with his right foot only and sit with his left foot on the clutch and in gear. Easier to pass the test as fewer things to do but not what was...
  14. M

    Can't get CarPlay to work [SOLVED]

    There are cheap Chinese after market devices on the market which let you go wireless. Google YouTube and search Ali Express. Tape to underside of 'floating Island' and job's a goodun.
  15. M


    There are a number of threads on the Accessories pages re Dash Cams but this YT shows everything you need to do on a 4 to hide the cables to the fuse box both front and rear, the fuse to use as well as the negative. The Tuber admits he is a windbag but is otherwise excellent.
  16. M

    A Tad Concerned......

    Interested in your thoughts on the ACC draining the battery. Given that the major roads in the Highlands are not long stretches of dual carriageway (and not likely to be soon) just wondered about the nature of the route and traffic density. Was thinking of heading to Epernay with mine. Where...
  17. M

    Can you play YouTube video on central screen directly or via phone in MG4 trophy?

    Just got mine this week - what I have found out so far is: You need a good cable to connect your phone (Android) to the car in the port on the left (USB A not C) Android Auto runs restricted Apps so Netflix (do not have YT on my phone) did not come up as it is illegal to run video when driving...
  18. M

    Black badges on Aliexpress

    Came on here to find this out. Can get over it as the front one offsets my blue bonnet while the back - if I ever manage to take the cover off - would have the badge disappear totally.
  19. M

    Battery chemistry reason enough to go for the SE SR?

    So LR charge to 80% normally; charge to 100 at least once a month or as required.
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