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  1. Burgo

    Unable to select a drive 'gear'

    12v lead acid state of charge / voltage guide:
  2. Burgo

    Other car forums and EVs. ?

    Intrigued (though suspect it may be same reason I still have an old 6 x U2 (D) battery MagLight!).
  3. Burgo

    Missing your in-car CD player?

    As per my other post - have a look at Picard. It has quite a few options which may be of use. Introduction — MusicBrainz Picard v2.11.0rc1 documentation
  4. Burgo

    Intermittent Welcome Message

    Ah - There's two. The "Hello" one in Settings/Voice you can have either random phrases or type in a phrase. The one I was asking over is the other one that says the date, time and weather forecast, followed by a cheesy reminder to drive safely.
  5. Burgo

    Intermittent Welcome Message

    Is there any way to get a "random" message after she announces the time and weather forecast? Ours always says the same thing which is a bit boring.
  6. Burgo

    Scheduling granny charging - advice please

    Our Luxury (equiv Trophy LR but with 11kw charging and heatpump) came with a 3 phase css lead, and to date we've managed fine charging at the local supermarket at an avg 10.45kw. However, we've just ordered a "granny charger" off Amazon to use for off peak (00:00 - 08:00 and all day Sat & Sun)...
  7. Burgo

    lowest price MG4 worldwide

    Base model here in Spain with 1 year fully comp ins (€300 excess) , with all government (ice trade in & scrappage) incentives plus all marketing offers for a blue base model on finance (3yr pcp) would be €18480 (approx £15,911) ex matriculation cost, pdi and type2 cable). You'd be lucky to get...
  8. Burgo

    MG4 Undertray Gap - MG Fix inbound?

    I saw this on a FB forum - I know not whether it is true or not but have an appointment on 15 Jan for mine to be looked at and will check with the garage then.
  9. Burgo

    Data traffic management

    Bump Any ideas??
  10. Burgo

    New year MG4 pictures

  11. Burgo

    MG4 Lane Assist Rejection

    Not having a go, but I'd cut the system some slack in that case and see that as it performed to spec. It saw a sudden deviation by you that took it towards the edge of the lane, and applied a warning then corrective assistance to put you back in the lane. You could equally have written that "...
  12. Burgo

    MG4 Lane Assist Rejection

    I must admit to being a bit bemused and intrigued by some of these reports, so fwiw here's my, albeit limited, experience to date and a few quick thoughts about it all: I was concerned after reading these stories and have been paying particular attention to how our new Luxury (equiv. Trophy but...
  13. Burgo

    MG4 Undertray dip/bulge

    Picked up our new Luxury (equiv. UK Trophy) here in Spain on 26 Dec (normal working day here!) and it too had the "bulge". Pointed out to the dealer while still in the showroom and asked him to make a note of it, and to let me know when they had the replacement part(s) required.
  14. Burgo

    PodPoint at Lidl

    Purely for info and not snarking or gloating (don't forget wages and salaries are a lot lower here as well, so at the end of the day things kind of cost the same or just a bit less if you're earning here) charging rates are €0.39/kwh at our local McDonald's on a 22kw type2,, €0.45mkhh for the...
  15. Burgo

    MG4 Secret Menu Mode...

    @siteguru Correct - the additional password is as of yet unknown ## has the opposite "mirror" pattern to *#, so perhaps that is a clue. A lot of people chose pin numbers on the basis of patterns that resonate with them for some reason. 4479 is, on a key pad, 2 of the left middle, then the digit...
  16. Burgo

    How do you know when a new software update is available?

    9pm Have you tried to do an upgrade using the site which is linked to on the MG EU site (I use the Spanish site as that's where I live, but note it's Naviextras who also do all the sat nav stuff for our head unit in our motorhome as well)? - Map updates for your navigation device...
  17. Burgo

    First long distance trip. Report

    Page 201 "Adaptive Cruise Target Following Distance Adjustment Whentheadaptive cruise control system is activated, press the adjustment switch to the right (increase spacing) or to the left (decrease spacing) to adjust the following distance, which is switched between 3distance settings and...
  18. Burgo

    USB Music

    Picard is a useful tool to sort out your music meta data, artwork, etc and can do some basic restructuring into a logical directory structure. Worth copying off, say, a few dozen albums into a seperate folder and experimenting on them. See: Introduction — MusicBrainz Picard v2.6.4 documentation ffi.
  19. Burgo

    MG4 Lane assist, speed assist keep resetting

    Here in Spain, as well as the eye test, you have to do the psycotechnical reactions and co-ordination tests at each renewal. Every 10 years up to 65, then every 5 years then after 70 every two years. The tests involve anticipating when a point travelling at various speeds will re appear after...
  20. Burgo

    MG4 Lane assist, speed assist keep resetting

    A police motorcycle cop who gave our club a talk said the easiest way to prevent 99% of RTAs would be to get rid of seat belts and air bags and to replace them with a 6" nail in the centre of the steering wheel pointing towards you...
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