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  1. B

    The great big insurance rip off

    Thanks, I'll read over that thread ☺️
  2. B

    The great big insurance rip off

    Hey all, so I bought my mg4 trophy long range new last year and insured it easily enough fully comp with commuting etc, however now I'm coming to renew, no claims ever, clean license and the cheapest premium has increased by £120 to £530. Are others experiencing this? Any recommendations on...
  3. B

    Brakes release timing and oil leak?

    It's ok folks, it turned out I was simply being a tired idiot. I was parked on a slight incline at work so the car thought I was on a hill and held the brakes until I touched the accelerator ?? Thanks for all your input though!
  4. B

    Brakes release timing and oil leak?

    Thanks for clarifying the brakes, I'll test and see. The auto hold on a slope is something I forgot about and might be making this happen. No I haven't seen or had the oil leak fix on my vehicle yet though on the phone they said it's a common issue and said that they'll likely apply the fix on...
  5. B

    Brakes release timing and oil leak?

    Hey all, i've noticed something that feels a bit odd when i put my MG4 (72 plate) into drive or reverse mode from a parked position. Just throwing this out there for a sense check. When the car is parked the brakes are automatically applied. You then hold the brake pedal down and place the car...
  6. B

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    No idea! I jumped in to check the system and saw R40 but I had two feral kids in the back to stop me running in to question why. It seems good for now, if I get any issues I'll head back to discuss if R46 is a viable route
  7. B

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Just got my mg4 trophy back (MY22) It went in with the following issues: 1. Infotainment was crashing and stuck in side swipe loop 2. Android auto crashing 3. LKA - dangerously aggressive and unpredictable when auto adjusting steering 4. Phone BT - iPhone not keeping connection 5. Auto lights -...
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    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Yes, will do ,?
  9. B

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I have a 4 month old 1st edition trophy currently on R30 and get a lot of these issues. I contacted my dealer with a breakdown of the problems including video evidence by email and requested the upgrade to R46. They have agreed and I'm booked in for the upgrade on Thursday with a courtesy car at...
  10. B

    MG4 Lack of software Updates thread

    Hey everyone, I have a trophy currently on R30 and get a lot of these issues. I contacted my dealer with a breakdown of the problems including video evidence by email and requested the upgrade to R46. They have agreed and I'm booked in for the upgrade on Thursday with a courtesy car at no...
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