Good good. I remember someone posting they had trouble with the laptop they were using (granted sounded like they were using a wreck). Maybe try another?
If there is timing issue or something similar, different hardware MAY just be enough to get you through ? Seems odd as despite the issues...
You may be correct but I fear the whole setup may be rather erm poor again based on it being a tool that works with cars that basically are from the early 90s (I’m fairly sure the vci 1 is what they first used on the reworked Tfs - happy to be wrong though).
Anyhoo - I’m sure you have but just...
I have a feeling the original interface MAY suffer the same with how reluctant dealers are to apply new updates unless they have to. Pure conjecture - I wonder if anybody on the inside knows before you part with extra £££
Not one for me to helpfully answer BUT I have an early SR. After throwing all the sw updates at it - it behaved differently when balancing and I could cram a bit more in the battery hence got a few more miles out of it. There were specifically BMS updates applied too.
Balancing from a really...
My passenger button failed a few weeks ago (no ice or anything it just stopped clicking like a broken mouse). Booked in on the 17th. Really odd as I use the drivers one a lot more
Very first post of this thread and click on the links for explanation. Haleowenhamster really did a stellar job of explaining the whole thing, even provided all the software to download before paying as not to eat into your paid for time.
Pay as per the instructions then SIPS is where you...
No real upset from me, if it was “road tax” - I know it isn’t no issue as I use the roads. Why an equally heavy old diesel gets away with zero idk.
Emissions basing always seemed odd anyway. Definitely a money grab
As usual being British we are different. Various differences like using ring finals and how our earthing arrangements are delivered can increase the risks. CAN being the operative word.
There have been software updates to correct it, fairly recent.
You need the most up to date infotainemtn software. R38 on an SE and I can’t remember which on the trophy/xpower delivered to the car by USB stick then the important part is the follow up update of the HVAC module connecting with...
I wouldn’t worry too much. I have a really early one - they shipped a batch here with the wrong windows in so easy to tell. It used to snatch the wheel like maniac, first update really tamed it with snatching - this latest iteration has basically turned it down even more.
Whilst you may not get...
At least you have a good opportunity for a real good balance, not sure if the trophy NEEDS a low to full charge like the LFP based ones but seeing as you are already there.
I think Thailand went for lifetime on MG4s.
Just a point as I’m sure you know but it does catch some. The headline warranty is generally only on powertrain. Various bits drop out as time goes on, weird bits too suspension you’d expect after say 2 but infotainment at 3 bit surprising.
I wonder if the balancing info is stored in volatile memory which could explain your experience and mine, with this monster balance helping the restricted power issue. EDIT: or if the car seeing a power issue triggers a flag for a balance as before my monster balance the restriction was worst...
Most interesting. Have you had any updates done recently ?
Since messing with it. I am most assuredly getting more miles out of a charge - not just the guessometer. After 2 commutes to work I’d be at around the point that 5hr scheduled charging would get me to approx 100% SOC. I’ve done 3 days...
Weird car. It topped itself off with no real balancing that I could see.
Think a few cycles of flattening and full charging are in order - see if I can make the odd low SOC power restrictions disappear. Will re read the SOH too for reference. I did have another thought - post update I tested...
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