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  1. G

    MG4 SE battery 1year SoH

    I have a very early SE. Played about with my new Autel and its reported the SOH as 92% ish on 12k miles. Not overly worried as there is no way this is a linear progression.
  2. G

    Recurring A/C Odour in MG4 - Seeking Advice

    Potentially yes. You do not control what the car sucks in, if somebody sits inside and sneezes, parked under a tree and so on. It may go and never come back once cleaned or it may come back again. Without something to disinfect it - anything can happen.
  3. G

    Recurring A/C Odour in MG4 - Seeking Advice

    Bacteria in the air hits the evap which is cold and damp, when it’s turned off it’s warm and damp it grows.
  4. G

    Recurring A/C Odour in MG4 - Seeking Advice

    It was some off brand thing on eBay many many years ago I’m afraid. Didn’t smell nice but was a cleaner
  5. G

    Recurring A/C Odour in MG4 - Seeking Advice

    Check that the drains are clear not sure of exact layout but there will be tube from evap to floor. Had it on a few older cars before. On the cold side as it’s when the bacteria is warm and releasing volatiles. As soon as the evap gets freezing cold less of the smell boils off and you’ve...
  6. G

    63 AH 12V Battery

    Replace it. My 4 behaves more reliably after whacking a new battery on sheduled charges would sometimes fail and ismart would stop responding rather quickly. OH has a 21 plate Hs phev, without warning it decided - HV shutdown, no warnings but it has been open a little while whilst cleaning...
  7. G

    British Gas new system

    Well…. No smart charger so Intelligent is a no go and it’s a trade off of tariffs then, weirdly the day rates are the best I can get which helps as there is someone in all day. All electric house. They also fix and finally it’s not actually my account (disabled person here so they want to keep...
  8. G

    British Gas new system

    I really do despair, I’d love to leave them just how dumb are their systems? On the new system and they’ve generated a a bill with estimates (which are too low) but in my account there are actual smart meter readings which are higher than their estimates. They’ve done it from Nov 24th to today...
  9. G

    Low pressure tyre warning

    I guess there are rounding errors. They may be set at say 30psi which would work out as some ungodly long decimal which rounds up in other formats.
  10. G

    Keyless start? Anyone got it working?

    I get the message always but if you select keyless start in the app (first time in new app asks you to do some weird calibration holding the phone near centre of steering wheel iirc). Tap the brake and she “fires up”.
  11. G

    TPMS Fault Consult Handbook

    To have all sensors display nothing says to me there is something upsetting the transmissions to the car or the car itself. I had similar on a different car which also took out the remote central locking. Is your fob working (i.e does pressing unlock ON THE FOB work?). They transmit on the...
  12. G

    Problem charging with 7kW charger

    Give the plug a replug and / or wiggle. My charger if fine with my 4 but the HS is iffy. When you plug it in and lock the car you can hear it lock the connector, if it’s not perfectly aligned it will keep making the same locking sound and never charge. I find plugging in, then locking the car...
  13. G

    How Low Can You Go .... (SoC)

    Our UK lot have whacked big alternators into some of their recovery vans so they can up their idle and pop a little charge in to limp people to a charger.
  14. G

    How Low Can You Go .... (SoC)

    Nope not like they used to with a priming bulb and mechanical injectors. Fuel is constantly pumped and circulated in the common rail which feeds the injectors. Interestingly that’s why you should keep the tank with a decent amount of fuel in as it needs to lose the heat in the return to the tank.
  15. G

    Unable to schedule charger

    Blast - worth a try !
  16. G

    Battery SOH

    Bought myself new diag tools, old stopped around 2018. An Autel for ref and it’s reporting 93.something on first gen SE with 13k miles. It has had about a 60% charge and 10 mins on rapids its whole life.
  17. G

    Is my MG4 miles/kWh trying to gaslight me?

    Just check intelligent battery heating isn’t on - it sure does gobble electrons
  18. G

    Unable to schedule charger

    I’m waiting with baited breath to see if it wasn’t just me with the powerline plugs.
  19. G

    Unable to schedule charger

    I posted many many moons ago (I have a vchrgd7 evse). All worked well until the poweline on the poweline networking end in my shed there was a broken earth. Once the earth was established all hell broke lose with scheduled charging. I’d set the car to charge via the evses own application and...
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