Another angle aside from ££ is safety and convenience.
Many will say yes granny charging is fine but there is the odd burned up socket and depending on supply type the PEN faults (I don’t need to worry as I have weirdly old overhead supply with no earth supplied). I am infinitely happier that...
I have a horrible feeling it’ll be brought in under the guise of helping poorer but with a higher charge on every unit ergo it’ll be another way of fleecing people and it will be all for our own good in reducing energy usage.
Call me cynical but main beneficiaries will certainly be second home...
I always bang on but powerline networking in the house did weird things to my scheduled charging. Almost like the car had gone to sleep. Not familiar with Zappis though
Circled is the serial number for one of the tpms sensors. Each sensor has a unique numbers so there are 4 numbers the car must know.
Those numbers are programmed into the car via obd. If you clone the sensors with each of those numbers and put them in the correct position on the car they should...
That looks like a really good spot.
I can’t think what module int he car would contain the serial numbers to clone but it will be in there and a decent scan tool should see it if the weather wasn’t so bad I’d plug in and see. The original sensors have the serial numbers stamped on their cases...
As you know agile is linked to the rates of the day.
We have been struggling for generation as quite a few reactors are out for refuelling and wind speeds are up and down. The reactors are all due to be back by 15th. It is anybody’s guess how the weather and therefore the price of gas will...
As far as I know the ecu can accept the random codes the tool has generated but it looks like you are struggling to write them to it. My advice would be to update the tool first and see if you can complete the write. Failing that get the original serial numbers and write them to the programmable...
Just as a question… do you have any tools to pull the serial numbers from the car via obd and write to the tpms sensors ? Really sorry but I don’t know mucar system but sounds like you can write serial numbers to the sensors, the same way you can with autel?
There is only 1 receiver in the car...
MG4 1st gen SE with the black windows.
4 visits for boot leak
1 for NSF track rod end failed
SW updates including for head unit not showing temperature.
12k miles only
Even BG seem to be beating the octopus rate and it is fixed for 13 months. The standing charge and day rate will vary by region so it’s not 100% easy to compare however. I get 54p standing, 5 hours at 7.9p and day rate of 24.5p. Export at 15.1p all with BG though they can be a nightmare of a...
I have a charger that look suspiciously like a projectEV unit (vchrgd7). I once had a problem with scheduled charging. Long and short of it, I isolated it to powerline networking kit in my house. There is a thread somewhere on here where I posted.
I removed ALL powerline networking kit and...
There is an offer on if you fix you get a £25 Amazon voucher. Just changed again, was on v9, so think I’ll get it either way cheaper as day rate is approx 1p cheaper but standing charge is up 3p. With my use it makes sense as it’ll deffo use more than 3 kWh on day rates per day.
Lets see if I...
Just have a check on the app which version of the tariff you are on btw. Not sure if you are effected by the freebie bit BUT I’ve have 3 times resigned up for their ev tariff at lower rates. They don’t tell you about it but it’s there if you try to change tariff.
I 100% knew that the granny would be too small before I got a charger so I bought the 10m one from screwfix by master plug before I picked the car up. Did the trick and as it had to run through my bathroom (bathroom is behind the kitchen there was no way I’d have a join in the cable around a...
OH took theirs in for a service today. They reckon a release is on the way and should be around 2 weeks (they are waiting for that) because it does glitch especially when using car play - also on a call apparently heater settings can’t be altered.
I think the “new” models as in brand new have a...
I posted a thread long while ago as I had to do an ungodly amount of learning when I bought a Chrysler which had the system on when it wasn’t a common thing here. They do as many have mentioned have battery powered sensors in the rims which need to be of the correct type for the car and matched...
Birmingham autogas (strangely enough in Birmingham, opposite star city). Currently £0.75/L and 3p off if you buy a tag, which allows 24hr access, and top up more than £100 a go.
Shame naff all is factory made for it or even really suitable for a conversion in the uk.
Had this with OH buying a phev HS. Ford dealer “serviced” it but the service is worthless so checked with local dealer and had price adjusted. Phone up a nice dealer and ask - pays to now anyway with any potential recalls (not thinking mg but definitely did on my Chrysler and have heard of other...
012 is indeed the correct size - just saying! Also, I’ve noticed on the display with tyre pressures it is holding the battery at 14.2V rather than 13.9V. Something is clearly different but my electrochemistry days have been forgotten to know exact meaning ?
Condensation on the windscreen ? Anything obscuring the camera will cause it. Ice is particularly good at blocking it.
If not - sometimes - very rarely (once in a year I think) mine has done it randomly.
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