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  1. M

    Forgetting brightness

    I've used 3 Motorola phones with my Trophy with only occasional pairing requests which I ignore. I plug in AA and the Bluetooth reconnects until the next request at some random time in the future. The phone reports saved connections off 'MG4' and 'SAIC_w_Car'.
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    Public charging point problem

    @nickbob212, I'm sorry you had a bad experience and it was resolved. However, it does raise a few queries in that when the 12V battery runs flat it usually is unable to power anything and the should have been low voltage warnings on your driver's screen. How long have you had the car? Some...
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    MG4 in Australia

    Your keyfob battery may be low. Try replacing it. Have you another keyfob you can try?
  4. M

    playing music from usb stick

    Remove the @ symbol when you enter a user name. The use of folders is not intuitive. Tap the text at the top of the play list and you enter the folder menu. There is more info in a thread somewhere. Will look. Search for 'USB Music' by 'martinonline' and look for the thread titled 'limitations'.
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    MG4 Trophy Sat Nav Updates don’t work.

    There is a 16 page thread on satnav updating. It may be useful. Search for 'Satnav' or 'Beware' posted by 'NickL' to obtain the thread.
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    Charge to 100%… or not?

    @BarryH, please explain what battery type you are referring to as it has been shown that the NMC battery in the MG4 balances at the set battery level. Are you commenting on the act of balancing or calibrating the BMS. Finally your profile says you do not drive an MG so please state the source...
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    Stop and start granny charging via power lead

    @campbell taylor, you should use the battery level settings in the car if you can't use the app to end the charge. By terminating the charging early the battery does not balance/equalise and you are not making optimum use of the charging/battery.
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    MG4 Trophy Sat Nav Updates don’t work.

    If you download from 'iov' it will be a zip file which must be extracted. I seem to remember something about not unzipping directly to the USB stick. Then you copy the files to the root folder of the stick. My stick was formatted to FAT32 and it worked. But see below which hindered me to begin...
  9. M

    Keyless start? Anyone got it working?

    Just tried the keyless start without a paired BT connection. No BT icons on my phone or on the infotainment screen but the car powered up and went into Ready mode when the brake pedal was pressed.
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    Three weeks of ownership

    You must distinguish between 'power' on mode and 'ready' mode. The car powers on when you sit the driver's seat. The car enters ready mode when you press the brake pedal.
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    Keyless start? Anyone got it working?

    I'll try that tomorrow but the key requires a Bluetooth connection as shown by my experiments above. The Digital Key connection may not be the paired connection so it would be interesting to see how a new phone without a stored and non-connected MG Bluetooth pairing but with iSmart login...
  12. M

    Keyless start? Anyone got it working?

    @Yorkshire Hillbilly, when you look at the Bluetooth connections on your phone history do you have one titled 'SAIC_w_Car' with a Bluetooth icon next to it? I have others titled 'MG' with the Settings Cog icon next to them. When my phone pairs with the car it comes up with MG.
  13. M

    Keyless start? Anyone got it working?

    When you say you receive a success messages it like the one you get when you change the battery charge level? Or is it similar to mine above? I would view the simple success message as the app telling you the car has received the message. It would appear to me that the car doesn't do anything...
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    Three weeks of ownership

    What is the set charge level? Do you have a schedule in the car? Is there a DC Charger nearby?
  15. M

    Where's the odometer?

    You tap the registration number and then the car after that. Yours just says MG Electric.
  16. M

    Keyless start? Anyone got it working?

    I tried the keyless start with Bluetooth switched off on my phone. The car told me to switch on Bluetooth and try again, which I did and it worked. When I press the keyless start button I get a 'loading' message, lots of relay creaks from the car and then the message below: Have you ever...
  17. M

    Keyless start? Anyone got it working?

    I have a Moto G84 and keyless start works for me and it worked with the previous Moto phone. As I had not used keyless start with this phone I had to go through a calibration process first. My success message says that I have 120s to use the key. Is that what you see? I believe that the...
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    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Did you ask for the upgrade or was it part of SC077?
  19. M

    MG4 Windscreen Quality

    I have a couple of chips in the top right hand corner of the screen courtesy of a Porsche, Cayenne. The stone hit hard at an upward angle and I expected a crack to develop but instead there are just a couple of small chips, almost like dirt speck marks.
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    SE SR failing to pre-heat while plugged in

    I know the thread is about the SE SR but I thought I would test my Gen 1 Trophy. After charging and balancing to 90% this forenoon I switched on the cabin heating from the App. Initial temperature 8°, Final temperature 19° and battery dropped to 89%. Cable still connected but charging did not...
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