I hesitate to offer the normal options for overcoming fault situations like locking/unlocking, negative battery connection removal and replacement because I am not a trained MG Technician.
The manual says that in the event of a crash the air bag system triggers the disconnection of the HV...
As has been shown many times the NMC battery will be balanced at levels lower than 100%.
I am a low mileage user and will only go to > 80% when needed.
When I first had my Trophy emergency braking occured twice as I was turning right with a car in the other lane. I switched Front Collision protection sensitivity to medium and now only get alerts in the chicane roads in my area. I've also switched off braking on the Rear Cross Traffic protection...
@Thebigone10, please confirm that you are saying that when the battery level says 80% the car displays 120 miles range.
Please answer the questions above about your car usage (how far, how fast, how often) and what miles/kWh is shown.
If you do not charge at home, how do you charge? Do you DC...
You must leave it until the port lights go out or the app tells you that charging is finished. Balancing can take up to 2 hours if it has not been done for a long time. Also a change from <10% to 100% plus balancing is recommended every 6 months. But normal balancing is vitalky important.
The instructions heading was 'Residential Charging' which I assume includes wall box EVSEs as well as granny charging. I have sat in the car when granny charging - when I was trying to catch the elusive 'Balancing' message. When out and about charging AC or DC I often sit in the car; you don't...
The car will lock itself again after 30 seconds if no driver/passenger door is opened. You could experiment again with opening a door to see if it makes any difference. If not then the car is saving the trouble of locking the car.
What date/time does the last updated field show on the top of the MG page, after the status refresh?
You may need to clear the storage as well as the cache and that will entail a login afterwards.
From the 'Fast Charging and Low Battery Warning' thread:
The 12V battery warning is not about the battery voltage itself but indicates the charging circuit is not operational and so the battery is not being charged.
Was your MG page populated with numbers when you first opened the app? Sometimes you need to obtain a status first (second icon from left) before other commands are executed. Perhaps your battery heating route does the same or it could be that the low temperature stopped the cabin heating.
You do not have to put the key in the centre arm rest, it will usually be detected on your person. The centre console position is if you have a weak fob battery.
In respect of the mechanical key, the only references to it I've seen posted is when the 12V battery fails (and so the alarm will not...
I'm sorry, I should have been clearer with my request for experimentation.
When you lock the car or after receiving the notification can you go to the app MG page and then the 'Climate' tile to see if the app shows the heating to be On or Off.
Or after locking the car turn on the heating on...
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