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  1. pjmmk

    Correct Tyre Pressures?

    I'd been driving a Tesla performance model before that. You want harsh rides, get one of those. I think the MG4 on solid wheels would be a more comfortable ride. Those Tesla's were definitely not designed for UK roads...
  2. pjmmk

    Autohold activation

    I don't think I've had a car in the last couple of decades without this feature. Just press the brake pedal hard when at a stop and it holds the car when you release the pedal. It's for hill starts, mainly.
  3. pjmmk

    Turn off lane assist?

    I can see LKA being useful on dual carriageways and motorways where you get bored driving mile after mile on the same road. But on smaller roads where you have to constantly dodge potholes, parked cars, poorly maintained hedgerows, roadworks, etc. it's just an unnecessary distraction, IMO.
  4. pjmmk

    My initial thoughts on One Pedal Drive

    Ah, interesting. I did see snow come up for a moment while I was messing about. That must be what did it.
  5. pjmmk

    My initial thoughts on One Pedal Drive

    Interestingly, my OPD turned itself off today. The only thing I did differently was select the drive mode from the screen instead of using the programmed star button like I normally do.
  6. pjmmk

    MG4 Xpower times vs battery

    Reminds me of my first time driving one of those horrible 1 litre three cylinder Fords that my cousin had on hire. The thing was utterly gutless, I had to rev the nuts off the thing just to get it moving on any sort of incline. I don't miss those things at all.
  7. pjmmk

    MG4 X Power Roll Call and mods.

    Just had a delivery from MG Titan. A steering wheel cover, mud flaps and sill plates. The wheel cover was a devil to fit, it's really tight - shouldn't be any slippage issues with that! I'm waiting for a warmer day to fit the sill plates and mud flaps, really need a warm surface for the tape to...
  8. pjmmk

    My initial thoughts on One Pedal Drive

    OPD should stick, I never have to turn it back on. Just did it once and the car remembers. I always use it, mainly because I got so used to it in the Tesla where it's on all the time. I don't like that it's a bit variable though, you really do have to be on your toes ready to catch the car if it...
  9. pjmmk

    Say Hello

    Should be a Watched option on the horizontal sub menu at the top of each page. Scroll up to the top of the page if you can't see it.
  10. pjmmk

    Correct Tyre Pressures?

    Mine were all over the place when I took delivery and I had some vibration above 60mph or so. I equalised them all at 40psi and have had no issues since. It's comfortable enough at that pressure.
  11. pjmmk

    another android auto question

    Make sure the phone's not locked. The first few times I started the car, I had to manually unlock the phone to start Android Auto. After a while it just started working properly.
  12. pjmmk

    Anti EV foxes.

    Biggest danger from foxes around MK is the suicidal little pests running across a dual carriageway right in front of you. Hitting one at 70 mph is going to make a mess of the car (and the fox).
  13. pjmmk

    How do you treat your MG4?

    Mine is living on the drive so it gets a wash every fortnight with a top-up of Polar Seal every month. Washed it today actually, in the rain. Then just sprayed it with Polar Seal, power washed the stuff off and left it alone. No need to dry it off - no point actually, in the rain!
  14. pjmmk

    Have I made a terrible mistake?

    You'll be fine. Just take it out of Sport mode on the motorway, where you really don't need it, to eke out a little more range.
  15. pjmmk

    Difference between Eco, normal and sport modes

    Think the HP setting is more of a throttle response setting. Smaller movements of the pedal result in more power to the wheels. Pedal force seems to affect the brake assistance more than anything else. TBH I don't like high pedal force, it makes the brakes very grabby. I use custom mode all the...
  16. pjmmk

    Should I get an Xpower?

    They got that right on the MG. Full throttle means "get me out of here asap." On the Tesla, eco mode just reduces power to what feels like milk float level by normal or sport mode standards and it stays that way even when you ram the loud (ok, not so loud any more) pedal through the floor - it's...
  17. pjmmk

    Cars you’ve smoked ?

    I somehow survived my teens and 20's on various bikes and crazy cars. Had a little Renault 5 Turbo with an adjustable wastegate. Insurance was affordable for those sorts of things back then at almost any age. Swapped it for a Citroen XM - went from a rocket propelled roller skate to an armchair...
  18. pjmmk

    MG4 bottom door sill very "sharp"

    I knew there had to be an advantage to having long legs, apart from not needing to ask someone else to get something on a top shelf... Just had a look at mine, it does stick out a lot further than most cars but it's not sharp, at least on my car. It's a nicely rounded edge. If yours is sharp...
  19. pjmmk

    Front Detection/Anti collision

    As a parking aid, the rear collision alarm is the most useless I have ever seen on any car. Nothing happens till I actually stop then it decides to beep at me to inform me I'm about to hit something. If they do ever decide to build self driving cars, they won't be using MG's software...
  20. pjmmk

    What have I done?

    Odd isn't it. All dealers are moaning endlessly about being unable to sell cars. You'd think they'd be falling over themselves to talk to a potential buyer.
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