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  1. pjmmk

    Should I get an Xpower?

    I had a little of that 'vibration' around 70mph but it turned out to be due to a 6 psi differential between tyres. It had been delivered like that. It's been fine since I equalised the pressures. There are (not very many) faster cars around but the way the X Power takes off like a scalded cat is...
  2. pjmmk

    New to ev

    It's hopeless around Milton Keynes. It shows all the dual carriageways as 60 where they should be 70 and shows single carriageways as 40 when they should be 60. That's most of the roads around here. It's ok on the 30's but you hardly need it on those roads.
  3. pjmmk

    MG4 X Power Vibe/Hum 65 to 75mph

    First time I floored the throttle in a high performance EV was just a few minutes after buying the thing. I was used to the Focus ST and gave the EV the beans on a motorway slip road. I felt the blood drain from my face. I'm used to it now but that first time - don't think I'll ever forget that.
  4. pjmmk

    New to ev

    Speed limit recognition on the MG is particularly poor. I don't know what they're doing, but whatever it is, they're doing it wrong. My Tesla is right 90% of the time, the MG is wrong 90% of the time. It has no concept of the UK's national speed limits. It's ridiculous.
  5. pjmmk

    Charging leads

    I didn't get any leads with mine. Can't be bothered complaining about it though, for me it's not worth the nearly 100 mile round trip to the dealer I bought it from. I did what you did and just bought one from Amazon. Bought two actually, one for the car and one to leave hanging up in the garage...
  6. pjmmk

    What have I done?

    Vehicles are now untaxed (de-taxed?) when sold. The new owner has to tax it when they buy it. Not like before when tax already paid for stayed with the vehicle. If there's a gap in the tax record, that just suggests it was sitting unsold on the dealer's forecourt for a while. They do look nice...
  7. pjmmk

    First long journey

    I'm not a fan of 'destination charging.' If you're down to almost nothing and something goes wrong with the chargers you were aiming for... I'd aim for a quick(ish) charge before you reach London then you can just jump in your car and go after the match and charge again on the way back. If...
  8. pjmmk

    MG4 Spotted! : Was it you?

    I was out in my Tesla at 03:40 this morning in Bletchley and spotted a white MG4 zipping along in the opposite direction - seems mine isn't the only one in town ;)
  9. pjmmk

    Laughable insurance quote from SAGA

    This probably doesn't help => Milton Keynes has been named as one of the worst areas in the UK for uninsured drivers :(
  10. pjmmk

    How to reliably turn lane keeping off?

    LKA is re-enabled every time you put the vehicle in 'Ready.' That is, when you step on the brake pedal after a shutdown. When I get in the car, I wait for the screens to start up, then step on the brake to get the car 'ready' - that re-enables LKA, so I then turn it off using the touchscreen. It...
  11. pjmmk

    Cars you’ve smoked ?

    Got to watch those Teslas. The performance models, which look almost identical to the 'normal' ones, are pretty quick. They're also almost twice the price... My MG reeks at the moment. I put a set of rubber mats in the thing, it's like sitting in a rubber factory.
  12. pjmmk

    MG4 Spotted! : Was it you?

    Possible, though I've only had it a week ;)
  13. pjmmk

    Cars you’ve smoked ?

    I have no idea. Almost all of my driving is done at night. For the sake of my licence I assume that every pair of white lights behind me is a police vehicle. So I'll sometimes give it the beans up to the speed limit then let whoever it is, usually mad as a hatter by then, go past and do whatever...
  14. pjmmk

    Windows misting up in cold weather (on the inside)

    Mine's fine, I just leave it on auto. If it's misting up in wet weather, it's usually because the thing's on recirculate without the AC running. Misting up as soon as the fans start in cold weather is frequently due to moisture in the system, possibly a wet pollen filter or a leaky car filling...
  15. pjmmk

    Makes me Smile (XPower praise)

    The XP is not perfect by any means but it is a lot of fun to drive. It's surprisingly agile for an EV. Typically, I fitted it with decent wiper blades and smelly rubber mats just as the weather dried up...
  16. pjmmk

    Replacement Wiper Blades?

    These fitted perfectly ;)
  17. pjmmk

    Sudden automatic braking issue (merged, MG4)

    All these 'functions' rely almost entirely on cameras. That's a pretty stupid idea given the amount of dirt that gets thrown up onto a windscreen and the obvious inadequacy of the software used to translate the images. The Tesla dry wipes the entire screen whenever it decides its vision is...
  18. pjmmk

    Replacement Wiper Blades?

    I tried those on my MG4, completely useless. The clips supplied don't fit the arms and there's no way to remove the clips from the old arms without breaking them.
  19. pjmmk

    MG4 EV speed limit issue

    It's hopeless on mine. MK has a LOT of 70mph dual carriageways and 60mph single carriageway roads - all marked as 'National Speed Limit.' The car has no idea what NSL means and shows 60 for the dual carriageways and anything from 30 to 50 for the single ones evidently depending on some random...
  20. pjmmk

    Stop Looking At My Car!!!

    That works till you try to rev it up at the lights...
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