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  1. pjmmk

    MG4 X-Power Orders & Delivery

    I was looking out of an upstairs window at the car, it's wider than I originally thought. And brighter - that white is astonishingly white! I don't think I've ever driven a car that lurches forward so eagerly. A little slower to 60 than my Tesla but it feels like it would easily beat it to 30...
  2. pjmmk

    MG4 X-Power Orders & Delivery

    Hey thanks! Oh, you mean the car! It does look nice, I think :) Have a feeling I'm going to have to wash it quite often though... Didn't think about that when I bought it lol
  3. pjmmk

    MG4 X-Power Orders & Delivery

    This is the first white car I've ever had. In fact, it's the first white car I've ever driven. It does look nice, only one of the three available colours that doesn't look odd with those orange calliper covers, I think. First drive drove me mad with all the seemingly random beeping. Turned the...
  4. pjmmk

    MG4 X-Power Orders & Delivery

    Yay. Car arrived in one piece. On a trailer so it's already dirty and I haven't even driven it yet (!) Also charged up to 100% so I'll have to take it out for a run to get some of that charge off the battery...
  5. pjmmk

    Charging 10%-100% every 3-6 months

    The option to abort self destruct... Oh, no. Sorry, Wrong script. The option to charge to 80% only appeared on my Motorola a couple of weeks ago. Till then it had a strange system that relied on learning your charge profile over an unspecified period of time then charging to 80% and holding it...
  6. pjmmk

    MG4 X-Power Orders & Delivery

    Haha. I don't hate it - as long as it's on someone else's car. I just don't want to have to wear sunglasses all the time... Just too loud for me. 99% of my clothes are black. My walls are dark blue with black woodwork. I just don't like overly bright things ;) White's ok though, that orange is...
  7. pjmmk

    MG4 X-Power Orders & Delivery

    Ordered mine, finally. Getting it Friday. Polar white. It was either white or grey for me, I just couldn't live with that superbright orange and I'm still not sure about the care issues with that, admittedly nice looking, racing green. As far as mode goes, I guess I'll have to wait and see. I...
  8. pjmmk

    USB disk identification failure

    If that's going to be a regular occurrence, your might as well install one of these things to save having to unbolt that battery lead over and over.
  9. pjmmk

    Laughable insurance quote from SAGA

    I dunno why it's so high. The Tesla was over a thousand squiddies. I haven't had an accident or any sort of claim for well over 20 years. Looks like we have to pay to cover for other people's carelessness. Hardly a day goes by when I don't see a new sign knocked down somewhere in MK. People...
  10. pjmmk

    Laughable insurance quote from SAGA

    I have my Tesla MYP insured with Churchill. I wasn't expecting any trouble adding the X Power to the policy but they refused to even quote for it. I checked out SAGA since I'm sprouting grey hairs - they wanted over £1600 - guess that was a "don't bother us with this nonsense" quote...
  11. pjmmk

    Did you know what "follow me home" is for?

    All it would do for me is annoy the people opposite.
  12. pjmmk

    Go for a drive. Just because you can. 🙂👍

    I do that quite often, early morning usually, before too many other people are out and about. I have an almost daily game of dodge the pothole but they're sneaky, new ones spawn regularly just to catch you out.
  13. pjmmk

    Today's mini mod - phone charging shelf.

    That's what you get for being posh and having phones with wireless charging...
  14. pjmmk

    Stop Looking At My Car!!!

    I had one of those. My father couldn't understand how I rode the thing. l It was a lot more comfortable and controllable than it looked. You tended to ride 'conservatively' on those though due to the extremely poorly placed gear lever - one hard braking event and you were walking like you had a...
  15. pjmmk

    MG4 X Power Vibe/Hum 65 to 75mph

    Hope mine, when it arrives, won't have that issue. But the roads around Milton Keynes have deteriorated to such a ridiculous extent in the last few years that the car will probably be shaken to bits in a few thousand miles anyway :(
  16. pjmmk

    MG4 Xpower times vs battery

    I've noticed my Tesla MYP is aggressively quick after supercharging to 65%+ but it calms down a lot after the battery's cooled. How the MG will perform I guess I'll find out in a week or so - I hate waiting lol
  17. pjmmk

    Probably won’t get an MG4 again

    Yeah, I'm not keen on FWD. My Focus ST was front wheel drive and could barely cope with the power it had. Even without dumping the clutch it would easily spin the wheels from a standing start. I had a police car follow me for miles after I accidentally left a trail of rubber across a...
  18. pjmmk

    Wish list of MG4 improvements

    Some good suggestions there. Guess I'll find out about the seatbelts when mine arrives next week. That's not something unique to the MG though, my Tesla is the same. The belt buckle is low down between the seat and centre console, it takes a bit of effort to engage the thing.
  19. pjmmk

    Probably won’t get an MG4 again

    I bought a new Prius back in 2005, was a great car. Only problems I had in the 7 years I owned it was the 12V battery failing in year 6 and a rear spring breaking thanks to the poorly maintained roads and speed bumps all over the place. The new Prius looks really nice, it's fast too. But the...
  20. pjmmk

    Power steering failed on 2 month old car. No MG garage can fix under warranty until 15 July!

    I had one of those, teacher I mean. in addition to the airborne blackboard rubber, he was very fond of his metre yard long wooden ruler...
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