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  1. pjmmk

    MG4 X Power Roll Call and mods.

    Looks really nice in the sun! But... A color coded charging cable? Now I've seen it all ;) That 'frunk' actually looks usable. Think I'll add it to my list of things to look into...
  2. pjmmk

    Next Chinese X Power Rival Incoming.

    I think manufacturers in the West are their own worse enemies. They're obsessed with making SUV's but most people simply can't afford the ridiculous prices of SUV sized EV's and of the people that can afford the things, not all of them need or want a large heavy vehicle like that. Hint: Don't...
  3. pjmmk

    Launch ……..

    0-60 in one foot? :eek: Hope you had a cryo tank in there to prevent your bones turning to jelly!
  4. pjmmk

    Rear lights condensing on MG4 SE

    These things are glorified computers on wheels. Reboot to fix 90% of issues :confused:
  5. pjmmk

    MG4 X-Power Orders & Delivery

    Most fun I've ever had in a car was a little racing green mini. Wheel at each corner, hardly any power, no noise deadening material at all. Misted up totally in anything but summer and sounded like it was about to explode every time it started up. But it sure was fun to drive...
  6. pjmmk

    Do you name your car? If so what did you call it?

    Didn't buy it in May did you? Ok, I'll get my coat...
  7. pjmmk

    Thinking of ordering one

    Tesla's Ultra Red looks really nice IMO.
  8. pjmmk

    Thinking of ordering one

    After my first black car got covered in tiny white spots of paint from careless decorators I swore never to have a black one again. I did, of course. They just look so good when they're shiny and clean :love:
  9. pjmmk

    MG4 Depreciation

    You also have the advantage of not getting your hands covered in fuel when you handle the plug like you do with a nozzle at a fuel pump because some <unmentionable> gave the trigger a squeeze before holstering it. Mind you, getting your hands covered in electricity instead can ruin your day...
  10. pjmmk

    MG4 Depreciation

    500 miles on a tankful? Must be a diesel. My petrol ST gets about 300 max if I drive it like a saint. Driven 'normally' it drops to around 250. Can't argue with the fill-up times though. I think people are not comparing like with like when it comes to EV's and ICE's. They're comparing long...
  11. pjmmk

    The great big insurance rip off

    That sounds like a 'go away' quote :rolleyes:
  12. pjmmk

    Artificial noise; is this a thing?

    Yeah, I don't really like instant coffee that much. I grind a few beans in the morning, stick them in a cheap and cheerful French Press thingy and pour 90°C water on them. No milk or sugar - interestingly when I stopped eating sugar laden 'food' my tastes changed and I can't tolerate the stuff now.
  13. pjmmk

    Artificial noise; is this a thing?

    Money. There's a lot of it to be made by getting people addicted to sugar early on in their lives. Sugar is the scourge of modern society. If it was discovered now it'd be banned instantly.
  14. pjmmk

    Artificial noise; is this a thing?

    Ouch! Sounds nasty. Though that is actually the correct temperature for fresh coffee. Only instant stuff can be made at a lower temperature. Unless cold milk or cold water (!) is added to it, it'll be hot. Presumably that's why modern 'take-away' coffee tastes like something a dog would turn...
  15. pjmmk

    Artificial noise; is this a thing?

    Frightening isn't it?
  16. pjmmk

    Artificial noise; is this a thing?

    Heh. The 'rot' set in when that American woman sued MacDonalds (think it was them) for not telling her that a hot coffee was hot. Then everyone panicked and started putting the most ridiculous warnings on things. I love the warning on a pack of peanuts telling you that it might contain nuts.
  17. pjmmk

    Artificial noise; is this a thing?

    Well, there's not much you can do about 'younger people' listening to music with their heads buried in a mobile phone. They walk straight across roads without looking, right in front of all sorts of vehicles. Pensioners tend to have enough common sense to look first. IMO, what we're doing with...
  18. pjmmk

    Artificial noise; is this a thing?

    Load of rubbish in my opinion. I can hear EV's long before they reach me so it's a foregone conclusion that any blind person will also hear the things. Unless they're driving on glass, you can hear the noise from the tyres a long way away even when they're creeping around a car park. This...
  19. pjmmk

    MG4 Depreciation

    I think that's par for the course for an EV. Rightly or wrongly, most people wouldn't consider an EV as a good second hand car. The media has done a pretty poor job of explaining the far better battery tech on modern EV's. I think the early EV's with their battery issues have scared a lot of...
  20. pjmmk

    Ever had the car fail to go into drive/reverse?

    I think I'm going to miss my ST when I get rid of it. The thing's been totally reliable, is reasonably fast though not in the XPowers league for acceleration. It's a very nice place to spend a lot of time while trying not to swear too much at other drivers. The MG has a LOT more tech, most of it...
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