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  1. N

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    It only works above 60kmh. Below that it will not hurt you. Above that, set it's sensitivity to low (it will stay there) and do not bother. It has been tuned down to a level it will not hurt. Unless the beeps freak you out.... Then go to the pull down menu and disable it.
  2. N

    Whistling noise from rear spoiler (merged)

    Does this mean the edges of the spoiler are the cause of the noise?
  3. N

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Edit: After a reset of the entertainment system because the radio did not function, the distances in the camera view popped up again.....
  4. N

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I had it with R46. Lost it with R63. Probably incomplete update since others still have it.
  5. N

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I almost 'kissed' the charger yesterday evening and there was no distance displayed. And this evening for the third time since the updates ACC freaked out when doing 110 kmh. It simply disables. Seems to me it reacts to light sources (cars) coming from the side.
  6. N

    EU MG4 (all variants) - Service campaign SC077 is out, improving lane assist performance

    Not a full update. But you can click on the home button, swipe from right to left, chose setting and then system (I think). There you will see a couple of specs of the software. If you see r46, r59 or r63, you will have a broad indication of the most recent updates.
  7. N

    Lane assist help

    That confuses me even more. LKA is the same in the ER and LR. Bow can you tone down LKA more in the ER than in the LR?
  8. N

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Could not find settings to activate it. So the dealer needs to reinstall the languages and the camera software....
  9. N

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    R63 change: 360 degrees camera no longer shows distances to objects.
  10. N

    Understanding how the interior heating system works

    Reintje, the circulation is on auto. So it partially recirculates the hot air in the car.
  11. N

    Lane assist help

    Get the latest software. Lka will greatly ease off. Headlights (certainly if you mean the high beam) is also better than before.
  12. N

    Lane assist help

    Do you mean the SE LR ? I thought the SE only had two LKA modes without the ELK ?
  13. N

    Understanding how the interior heating system works

    My car (EU version Trophy ER with heatpump) MUST have the A/C on to get warm air. Even at max. Never experienced anything of a PTC heater. But with the latest software update the system runs fine.
  14. N

    One Pedal Driving

    Yep. I had them checked when it went in for the first service. They were fine. In town, I still need to use the brakes quite regularly. Probably keeps them clean...
  15. N

    One Pedal Driving

    I thought you meant my thinking was flawed...
  16. N

    Unfixable MG4 Trophy?

    S On what grounds?
  17. N

    One Pedal Driving

    Then when disable it?
  18. N

    Front collision assist / emergency braking software updates

    Isn't this a software version thing? Btw, to play it safe: set it to alert only.
  19. N

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Maybe a bold suggestion: how about more voice commands?
  20. N

    One Pedal Driving

    True. But still, if the car disables OPD to maximize regen, it means OPD is clearly not the most effective way to regen. I never thought of that because speed reduction when releasing the throttle is absolutely the highest in OPD.
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