You naughty cheeky boy...
But I'm afraid at some point you are correct.
Ha, you can lend mine and enjoy the fantom cars ahead of you. It also spots motorcycles when there is none.
Last week it smashed the brakes when it thought there was a lorry in front of me (clean screen, no dirt on...
I would go along with all of you. But our voice is not heard. We are too much scatered around the world to make them listen. Even if it hits the press (UK article about MG4), they promise a lot, do nothing and nobody really makes them clear they have work to do. On top of that, we should not...
One explanation could be the more recent firmware since you are on r59 at least.
I will be getting r63 beginning February. I think it is more useful to respond when the car is back and I had a couple of working days behind the belt
I have a light foot and we are speed limited anyway..
The difference is more than 20% on a 86 km trip, of which 65 km is highway. More like 25>30%. 16 kWh/100 now jumps to close to 20. And that isn't even in very cold weather (about -2 Celsius).
Today we had light frost and lots of thick fog. On the way back I changed the airflow from outside to auto (which is supposed to be a mix of outside and recirculation). This never worked in damp and warmer weather, but now it did. It kept every window free from fogging up. Even the rear window...
I tested high LKA sensitivity in all three drive modes on my way to work. It definitely caused more unneccesary warnings and steering interventions. On the way back this evening I reverted to low and all became peaceful. So I'm with Siteguru.
And before the latest update you were on what? And you did not get in between lka fixes?
Reason I'm asking is that you are talking about an improvement, and whether that imprrovement would resemble with one that I could experience if mine would be updated. I'm r48 with additional lka updates in...
I too get irritated when car bleeps again and again if LKA thinks I'm doing something wrong. Fortunately, I can disable that bleep...
Thing is, I rarely get bleeped by the collision avoidance system. Maybe I keep a bit more distance?
Econ only has an effect on the time to clear the windscreen. Once cleared it does not matter in my ER.
This morning everything was fogged up except around the dehumidifiers. 10 minutes on econ, t=21 and fanspeed on three removed ice on the outside and fogged up windows. Rougly 0.7 kwh lost only.
Make the best of it and use Alert mode only. If you get nervous from the sound, disable it. That way it only gives you a vibe in the steering wheel. It will not pull the steering wheel.
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