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  1. dsr

    R59 and ACC

  2. dsr

    R59 and ACC

    Had the R59 update a while ago, but only now used ACC with it. However, one push still changes 5mph and I need to hold and push for 1mph changes. I thought the polarity, as it were, was meant to be reversed with R59. A further visit to the dealers?
  3. dsr

    Start up message.

    I currently have: “Kill the elk and then it’s safe to drive.”
  4. dsr

    MG4 seating height?

    Being 6’ 3”, I have the seat right back and sense that wish to be a bit higher. I recall that someone posted, on a different thread, that they used a booster seat. I would be tempted to follow suit, if it were not for the hassle involved.
  5. dsr

    Charge to 100%… or not?

    I understand that, but I assume you are using your car regularly for reasonable length journeys. My issue is that, for the next 12 weeks, I will be doing a handful of short journeys a week totalling about 15 miles. Given that, I think I will opt for the majority view of charging to 80% as needed...
  6. dsr

    Charge to 100%… or not?

    Having done a 5% to 100% charge in mid-December and a ‘normal’ charge to 100% on New Year’s Day, I find myself in an unusual situation. Basically, until Easter I have no long journeys planned; I expect to do no trips of more than 5 miles and to average well under 100 miles a month. I am aware of...
  7. dsr

    USB Music : Limitations ?

    I ensure my tracks, within a folder, play in the correct order by starting the track number with 01, 02, etc. I do the same with folders, so that they appear in chronological order for a given artist. Something of a labour of love with hundreds of folders, but worth it IMO.
  8. dsr

    USB Music : Limitations ?

    The track listing count does seem a bit odd. My tracking ends at a count of about (it could be exactly) 1000 - even though I have up to almost 3000 tracks on more than one USB. But all tracks are listed in the various folders, sub-folders and sub-sub-folders and all play.
  9. dsr

    Centre rear seat belt MG4 Trophy LR

    I have 3 adults in the rear at least once a month. Slotting the belts can be difficult, but the centre belt length is fine.
  10. dsr

    USB Music : Limitations ?

    I don’t seem to have a problem with sub-sub folders. But I have a lot of tracks. There is, annoyingly, a limit on the number of tracks per USB. I’m not sure what it is, but something like 3K? I think that means a large capacity USB is unnecessary - and doesn’t get you more tracks. I have 128Gb...
  11. dsr

    Missing your in-car CD player?

    I have 4 USB sticks, as the tracks I have will not fit on one (my old Seat Leon had no issue with accepting them all on one stick), so I swap often. After an R59 upgrade, I find my last track is retained between removal and reinsertion.
  12. dsr

    MG4 Rear Internal Light

    On the face of it, sounds a cheap and easy solution to (for me) a most annoying issue. Looking forward to your “follow up”.
  13. dsr

    Unable to schedule charger

    I assume you have tried setting myenergi to “Stop all” and scheduling directly on your Zappi or via whatever app you have via eon?
  14. dsr

    Which Settings to use?

    Same here. I've never noticed any regen reduction at 100%.
  15. dsr

    Which Settings to use?

    My right foot setting at the lights is ECO, enjoying the thought as someone struggles to pull away from me that they implicitly acknowledge I could have had them for breakfast any time. Boringly, I also save on ‘fuel’ and tyre wear.
  16. dsr

    This MG4 is an uncomfortable place to be

    For me, it’s auto all the time, with external air, fan set at 2 and temp at 20 or 21. Works for both me and my wife. I sense, without proof, that doing it this way gives a truer temperature than “full” auto.
  17. dsr

    Revised User Manual?

    Does anyone know if there an updated manual in the pipeline? As a small example, the online one refers to 17” wheels only, while 18” ones have been around for quite some time.
  18. dsr

    Wish list of MG4 improvements

    Tried my 11,000+ tracks on one USB stick. I think all the tracks are there and could be accessed sequentially, but I haven’t the time or energy to click next track forever. The main display shows “No Tracks”, so no joy and back to my four sticks with fewer tracks each.
  19. dsr

    Wish list of MG4 improvements

    Having had a recent update to R59, I notice that playing music via USB now ‘works’ for me. I have had folders from new (on R40) but my last track played is now remembered and I don’t have to start from an alpha-zeta list of all tracks and head down via sub-folders. The remembering even exists if...
  20. dsr

    Advice for EV newbie please

    I should have added that my journeys have my wife with me and luggage in the boot and on the back seat. The range would increase a little with a lighter car.
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