Pleased to report that the £15 I was charged was clearly a deposit; this has been replaced by the correct sum for the kWh taken.
Also, I have checked my Type 2 - 2 cable and pins L2 and L3 are empty, so single phase - which explains why I wasn’t getting about 7kW. As another poster said...
Yes, it does. Thank you. When I have time over the next few days, I will sit in the car and try them all out, along with those in the list I have, aiming to come up with a definitive list that works - at least on my EV. If/When I get that far, I will put that list on here.
Can I tell from the writing on the cable (sorry I am away from the car until Wednesday) which phase cable I have? When I used it for the first time at the National Trust property, it certainly looked thicker and less malleable than cables of other marque cars nearby.
Thanks. Apart from my ignorance, I think any ‘fault’ lies with NT rather than the charging company and Grriff has kindly contacted them. I will get a 3-phase cable, write off my lost £10-£11 to experience - and keep learning ?
I posted recently querying whether Type 2 cables were redundant. Well, I thought I would christen mine yesterday, at a National Trust site. The initial reading was at 3.4kW, rising soon after to 3.6kW. When I returned to the car 2+ hours later the charge rate was 1.4kW. I had a look at cars...
My dealer kindly supplied both Type 2 and granny cables with my car. I have used the granny cable overnight, at friends and relatives, on a number of occasions, but never the Type 2 cable. On long journeys I faithfully use up boot space by taking it, just in case, but it has done nothing except...
One for the mods to think about, if others are with me.
Might we have the option of showing our car colour, along with the vehicle, in our profile as it appears in posts?
Ah, the advantages of Agile. I will have to live with my 6 hours IOG cheap rate and pay full rate for the remainder. All in a good cause.
An aside to Rolfe if she reads this: I cannot see reference to a sub-10% charge in my manual. Probably missing it, but whereabouts should I find it?
Hope it’s not cheating to ask about the ‘other end’ of the battery. I have read that it should be run down occasionally to below 10% before charging up. Is this recommended / necessary / unnecessary?
I’m in the club as well. I can’t figure out why it happens occasionally, but I want to say (from memory, which could well be faulty) that it has only happened when I have a front seat passenger, but no others. I will definitely check the passenger situation the next time it occurs.
I stupidly got myself into a situation where I had to granny charge for a morning in heavy rain. I tied a plastic bag over the charging port area, which seemed to keep things reasonably dry at the sharp end. The car happily survived - and I made it to a public charger!
I have an ER, but assume my query relates to LRs as well.
A charge failure last night led me to think how awkward that would be if I wanted a 100% battery for a long trip the following day. Would I be damaging the battery if I charged to 100% the night before = 24-30 hours before setting off on...
Headlights on (not on auto), with the lights slider switch fully left. More than once now I have pushed the arm to choose main beam and, in the process, accidentally moved the switch to the right - so that I find myself on sidelights. Did it last night on a bendy B road and it scared me more...
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