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  1. dsr

    USB Music

    In my previous car, I had my offline music on a memory card, structured via directories and sub-directories. A couple of examples: Pop - Springsteen - then various CDs; Chamber - Beethoven - String Quartets - then individual quartets. I haven't counted how many individual music folders I have...
  2. dsr

    MG4 Trophy - a Guide

    Silly me; fast asleep! Starting to read avidly. As someone who is on Day 4 of my ownership, this is SO helpful. A BIG thank you.
  3. dsr

    MG4 Trophy - a Guide

    Many thanks for the Guide. I can, though, only see the PDF. Am I missing something?
  4. dsr

    Door chime sound disappeared

    I know I’ve read another thread somewhere that suggests you can reduce the chime volume, but not remove it completely. My very new ER certainly makes the noise but it is one of those things I haven’t yet investigated personally.
  5. dsr

    Confused About MY

    At my very wrinkly age, when driving I need every bit of attention I can get ?
  6. dsr

    Car beeping when locking the car?!

    As a newbie, I experienced this today (Day 2 of my ownership). Couldn’t work it out, until I read this thread. My wife is now on the naughty step, having taken her bag with the the second key in it from the car?
  7. dsr

    Boot Shelf

    Thank you!
  8. dsr

    Boot Shelf

    A real newbie question, having got my ER yesterday and I don’t want to ruin it! How do you take the boot shelf off? It seems stiff. Do you pull the whole grommet thing out from the bodywork, or does the rubber divide so that part of the fixing stays in the body?
  9. dsr

    Confused About MY

    My ER, collected today, definitely has a black roof - and some delightfully garish orange!
  10. dsr

    Washing the MG4 - useful tip - place the wipers in the service position - here's how

    Collecting my 4 (ER) today. No prior knowledge of such wiper “issues”. SO GLAD for this thread. Thank you Les - and ok86.
  11. dsr


    Another extra cost for us all to bear. Disappointed but not surprised that I couldn’t get a quote below £500 for my new extended version - and the sub £550 figure from LV was, they said, only because I am an existing customer.
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