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  1. Retsiba

    Car Theft

    Sorry, I should have said not MG brand. There is a combination on fob I use for mine. Hold lock, press unlock twice. Not sure if MG has it, check Manual. More cars having it now.
  2. Retsiba

    Car Theft

    Just watch with the Faraday pouches, some of them "lose" the signal block feature after a while or maybe depending on how far in your fob is in it, or if you close it properly or not. I'm too lazy to carry out a proper check but mine has sometimes not blocked signal even though key is in it...
  3. Retsiba

    1st 100% charge.

    Ah I see.
  4. Retsiba

    1st 100% charge.

    You've had the MG4 for 18 months?
  5. Retsiba

    How do I disable muting of the radio when reversing?

    I'm usually not one for the clichés but if ever one did apply here to this thread I think it would be "first world problems"!
  6. Retsiba

    How do I disable muting of the radio when reversing?

    Any reversing is done for how long? Surely it's not such an inconvenience to not hear or hear your music lower for that period?
  7. Retsiba

    Door dings from careless door opener people?

    Hey hey hey, I take offence on behalf of all children. They have fathers too you know. ?
  8. Retsiba

    Poor LKA not just an issue for MG4

    Quite strange to read this. I'm aware that the LKA on mercedes EVs are very subtle that you don't even notice it. You could be forgiven to think that the system is off or not even functional ie faulty. That's how unintrusive it is.
  9. Retsiba

    MG4 Range

    To be fair I think the pace of change is really good and even some cars don't need the apps as they have it integrated in their maps. Most cars have apps and that is also great but it will be the standard for all cars soon to integrate it into their navigation or dashboard so people can see...
  10. Retsiba

    Emergency braking on level crossing with no nearby cars

    Exactly. I've been pleased to notice this as well. No one has an agenda against MG4. Every owner before they bought it or interested owner has probably already heard and overcome all the "China" talk and this will suggest they want it to work out. If things don't go as expected, raising it...
  11. Retsiba

    Emergency braking on level crossing with no nearby cars

    Great you are having a good experience. It's not same for everyone. This place is a forum to discuss like other forums I am on. All forums post about issues and request for help and guidance. Especially for newbies which let's face it, more drivers of EVs are newbies than oldies. Ask yourself...
  12. Retsiba

    Emergency braking on level crossing with no nearby cars

    Rather than being so dismissive, probe further. Thanks for helping support the OP with evidence of occurrence to you Mo.
  13. Retsiba

    Rear view camera - how do you use it?

    All replies consistent with exactly how it should be used. As an aid to double check those tight angles and corners you can't physically see. What's directly behind and distance to. Technically all the toys are aids. Main course of action is to follow your normal good habits while driving as...
  14. Retsiba

    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    Whilst the above experience doesn't seem to be the usual with recently produced cars as Leni points out, it will be really terrible for the few like @Mars6394 and @Goldie007 even someone like Jester or Bowfer that had to go through problems for so long. It's good that newer owners ie 23...
  15. Retsiba

    Rollercoaster road to new MG4

    That is one sharp looking ride. You know everytime I see this Holborn blue it grows on me more.
  16. Retsiba

    Dropping like a stone

    Yeah. Dundee though technically started May 2022, there is a two year grace period so until 2024, for people to familiarise themselves with the rules. That's in a way why I wanted to go electric now. A bit of backward thinking but was thinking if I tried electric for 3 or 4 years and don't...
  17. Retsiba

    Should we be worried? ?

    I was going to say that and saw your post. Plus it allows them keep the money in-house (deploy towards their own R&D) rather than paying third party fees, and potentially generate additional revenue stream. If they get it right from R&D, through to product creation, bonus points for the brand...
  18. Retsiba

    Rollercoaster road to new MG4

    Please keep on posting. It's like reading a good book ?
  19. Retsiba

    Diagnostic check charge at Perry's

    Sal sac isn't bad though I think the real benefit is if you go for a more expensive car and you're in a higher tax bracket. I've always preferred to buy my cars used and use till dead whereas my wife's first ever car as a teenager after passing her test was a banger that traumatised her so...
  20. Retsiba

    Diagnostic check charge at Perry's

    Think Tusker trying to shaft you there mate. Believe me, they know about MG4 and its issues. They may have a script they're following so ask to speak to the very top level of management you can speak to. They will also have a company account manager ie someone that acts on behalf of Tusker...
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