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  1. Retsiba

    Andersen charge points, User experiences please, any good?

    Yeah I saw that. OVO launched a fixed tariff for £2,250 few days ago. £250 less than the EPG of £2500. Probably not the best of deals with prices probably going to drop to closer to £2000 by 3rd quarter.
  2. Retsiba

    Andersen charge points, User experiences please, any good?

    You're right. I wasn't even thinking of that. Well lower fuel cost always welcome. It will certainly pay for itself in savings over 3 years
  3. Retsiba

    MG4 vs approved Tesla M3

    I like what you say about bad dealers dying off by rating them. Some of them are shocking. It's almost like you've been given the car by them for nothing. Well I see it this way, why should Tesla make their prices truly affordable when most of their competition are still priced higher and have...
  4. Retsiba

    Andersen charge points, User experiences please, any good?

    There are some really nice ones about. I was considering getting the OVO tariff which is 10p anytime but they don't seem to be compatible with Solar which I was hoping to use and get a Zappi. But its a bit contradictory as one of their approved ones, the Indra Smart Pro also has solar...
  5. Retsiba

    MG4 vs approved Tesla M3

    People are putting up with the issues more than they should in my opinion because it is a nice car. Looks sharp in and out, drives nice, minimalist clean looking spacious interior, something different and the big thing has also been its affordability. The richest man in the world knows what...
  6. Retsiba

    New MG4 Software Update Nightmare March 2023

    But am I missing something or what. Do MG not have a test environment for all software updates and the likes? It's almost like amateur hour to be asking customers to go and get updates on their cars and then said updates cause massive issues. It looks like they have bypassed that critical...
  7. Retsiba

    MG4 Car of the Year 2023

    Ah I see, so I guess those awards really have nothing to do with the everyday users and their experience but just the motoring journalists who drive for a few hours and then vote in such award categories. In other words those awards are a false positive and not equivalent to actual car users...
  8. Retsiba

    MG4 Car of the Year 2023

    MG sweeping all the car awards though (saw yesterday they bagged car of the year, not just EV a few days ago) and this unfortunately definitely plays into the way they handle issues. From their perspective, how bad can things be if we are getting all these accolades and then again it makes you...
  9. Retsiba

    Cancel MG4 Trophy and go for Megane E-Tech?

    There are reasons for liking one car over the other. The main issue here which maybe some are losing fact of isn't that certain cars are without fault (all cars are), but the MG4 seemed to have a lot of faults and the traction to get these resolved was poor at best, and none existent in some...
  10. Retsiba

    MG4 Restricted speed - weird

    I know what you mean. It's quite strange to me too. I guess the shortages post pandemic as well as the choice being EV which most seem to have that issue (though easing up now) combined with it being "the way electric cars are now being bought" made me bear it grudgingly. However I realise...
  11. Retsiba

    MG4 Restricted speed - weird

    People have "rejected" car orders via cancellation based on forming opinions like Leni said based on others experiences. Experience is the best teacher but doesn't have to be your own experience you learn from. It's all about tolerance, what one person will accept another will not. I think...
  12. Retsiba

    New MG4 Shipment?

    If true will just confirm what I've been thinking about MG being a proper lying organisation only out out to gather as many customers as possible by hook or crook. I very clearly remember last year after MG4 launch the story was that the difference between MG4 and other EVs was that MG had cars...
  13. Retsiba

    Test Drive Duration

    Different dealerships seem to behave differently. My personal opinion is that sometimes they also make that call on the basis of liking your face or not. I've had a dealer make me cajole him nto allowing my wife test drive a car after I had done so on a previous occasion (he had said I already...
  14. Retsiba

    [Car finally rejected] Recalcitrant Dealer

    Well done for your persistence and taking it all the way. I said last year on here, owners need to stop just accepting things as teething issues but call MG and dealers out as much as they can. That is the only way you pressure them into providing you the quality and service you deserve for...
  15. Retsiba

    Cancel MG4 Trophy and go for Megane E-Tech?

    Hi all. I come in peace. First post since December. I really have read this thread with interest. Lots of quality posts even with different viewpoints. This is a really good forum and such differing views enriches things for past owners, current owners and prospective ones. A place like this...
  16. Retsiba

    Lane assist

    Auto correct is doing a number on you.
  17. Retsiba

    New MG4 Shipment?

    Good for you.
  18. Retsiba

    OBD Data

    I guess you all have a right to satisfy the curiosity within. As for me, I buy something and never get curious about what's inside or how it works enough to delve deep and maybe I should. But if I had such interest I'll be pursuing it further towards being a developer of such rather than buy and...
  19. Retsiba

    OBD Data

    I wonder what the point is in buying a car and trying to "hack" it to get valuable information to help you increase the car's performance from a point of under performance to expected performance. Assuming that's the purpose of all this. Again, what's the point, if its not doing the job simply...
  20. Retsiba

    MG4 Reviews from various online publications

    Don't want to be too critical of her and was searching for positive things to say about her but unfortunately my conclusion is she's a very poor reviewer. Hopefully it's a one off.
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